Are we really making the right choices?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Are we really making the right choices?

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    Hi Pepehorse, My husband had abdomen swelling (ascites) throughout the last stages of cc. My understanding is they don’t like to drain it unless it is causing great discomfort because draining can lead to infection and other complications. Doug never had the fluid drained and we were able to manage his pain. Hope this helps. Sorry that you and your family are going through this trying time. I empathize. Enjoy the time you have with your dad and continue to make memories. Hugs. Nancy


    Pepehorse, do not be afraid of Home Hospice. They have one goal and that is to make Dad comfortable. NO medications will be withheld. They bring a comfy hospital bed, I had put Teddy’s in the light and bright living room and then he could have visitors as well. Oh, and his big TV. Hospice does not mean the quick end but they are there for you and relieve you so that you can spend the quality time with your Dad that you want to now. Hospice willl not withhold things your dad needs and they still answer to his ONC. I also do not understand why they won’t drain his fluid.
    Be strong and honestly if the Hospital will not do anymore Dad just may be better at home.


    Pepehorse….I am so sorry to hear of the latest developments with your dear Dad. .
    First and foremost your Dad needs to be made comfortable. Hospice will see to that they will do anything in their power and your Dad’s physician will do the same. It sounds as if your Dad is suffering from ascities (hepatic encephalopathy) and if the pocket of fluid is accessible then yes, it can be removed via a paracentesis (removal of fluid.) Often times a reduction of salt is also advised. Sleeping on the right side rather than the left may increase your Dad’s comfort. Please, know that the buildup of fluid is not an uncommon occurrence and that we have have numerous postings on this subject. You may find these by entering the word: Ascities in the search function. Others having experienced similar symptoms may also chime in and share their thoughts with us.
    Stay strong; you are a wonderful child to your dear Dad. He must be so proud of you.


    My father has deteriorated quite a bit in these past few weeks. Friday we had a Howell Apt which was going well. We decided on a new course of action to manage my fathers pain. The Dr. That was in the room with us mentioned that he would recommend that we take my dad to the E.R because he was a bit swollen in his abdomen area. So we did take him to the E.R and they did a Ultrasound, X-Rays and Ct..They found that he had A fluid Pocket which they inserted a drain in for. They also Found a Blood Clot the size of a Ping- Pong ball in one of his main veins in his abdomen/Pelvic area, this blood clot is BIG threat to my fathers Life. They found out that my fathers liver tumors are worse. One of the tumors is taking up a big amount of his liver and is dripping fluid into his abdomen. With all of this going on the Dr’s have told us that we are the late stage of this disease. That there is not much they can do at this point but to make him Comfortable. He is actually getting a pain block procedure done at this time. The Dr’s brought up Hospice which we have signed up for ( San Diego Hospice ) Please let me know if you have any experiences with them. My Father is getting more swollen around his abdomen area again and the Dr that is treating him says that he wont treat that aggrevesly because of were my fathers disease is at this point. I kind of feel that since we signed up for hospice that they will let any problems or complications go without notice..Is this Normal? cant they drain his fluid to make him more comfortable?..Its really hard for me to believe that my dad has reached the end of this Horrible seemed to fast. Im almost second guessing Hospice and keeping him in the Hospital if there was a chance he would get better.. if any of you have unfortunatly been thru this please let me know what you did? or any advice that will help. Thank you Hopeful Daughter of a wonderful Father..

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