ASCO – Find an Oncologist Database

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  • #71589

    Morning Percy,

    The early bird gets the worm and all that! Or in my case gets a bit of painting and work done before breakfast and getting on with the day! Plus very early in the morning is my favourite part of the day, no phones ringing or anything like that and I can get stuff done. Hope your night of 50f wasn’t too bad, not great at this time of the year I know. We’ve had a lot of rain the last few days but it will be a cracker today I think, 7am and not a cloud in the sky! Yep I’ll say hi to my mum from you and I hope you have a good day.

    Stay strong,



    Hi, Gavin,

    You are up too early, but the above link is good for those who would like more about their doctors if they are the members inASCO.
    Thanks for this link and be sure to say hi to your mum for me.
    Some how tonite will be in the 50F , in July? Hardly I can believe this is happening.
    God bless.

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