ASCO’s 2011 Annual Report on Progress Again Cancer.

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    The other 684 patients must not have the specific gene mutation in the tumor that the researchers are looking for.
    God bless.


    Hi Percy,

    I’m looking at the summary paper for the patients.

    Cancer Advances: News for Patients from the 2011 ASCO Annual Meeting

    A quote from page 1:

    In this study, researchers looked at the tumors from 1,144 patients with advanced cancer to find specific changes to the tumor’s genes, called mutations. The tumors from 460 patients had one or more genetic mutations. Each of these patients received a targeted therapy drug that targets the specific genetic mutation found in their tumor.

    I’m confused. What about the other 684 patients? (1144 – 460 = 684)

    Did they not have a mutation? That doesn’t seem to make sense. Are they trying to say that the rest of the patients had an unknown mutation that researchers could not identify?

    Any idea?


    Percy, ” I sincerely believe that if we,the patients,can hang around for 5 more years or so;more effective regimens with less or no side effects will be found for us. it will be more or less like taking a blood pressure pill daily for high blood pressure”

    As to what you posted above….my Peeps have a saying,”From your mouth to God’s ears!”


    Hi, Pam,
    I do understand exactly what you mean about talking the “mumbo jumbo”.

    This report is for the public . so I hope you will understand the ASCO mumbo jumbo too. What the content may not be that important to us especially ; but the VISION and TREND of the cancer therapy is what it is all about ,for me at least.
    I sincerely believe that if we,the patients,can hang around for 5 more years or so;more effective regimens with less or no side effects will be found for us. it will be more or less like taking a blood pressure pill daily for high blood pressure.
    Say hi to your daughter for me and keep up the spirit.
    God bless.


    Dear Percy,

    I will read this when I get a chance. I am sorry to say some of your posts are way over my head. You say this one is an easy read, so I will attempt it. Thank you for your tireless research. My daughter is a doctor, so I know sometimes she forgets I am not and has to explain things to me in regular words rather than her mumbo jumbo. She gets so used to being around her peers and thinks everyone else knows what she is talking about!



    Hi Percy,

    Many thanks for posting this. I haven’t had the time to read it yet but I will. And I hope you don’t mind, but I pinched your lnk and posted it over on out Facebook page as well!

    Many thanks, and have a great day today. And stay warm in that Chicago winter, brrrrr!!




    Below is the link to the above report. it is relative long and general,but you can have a better understanding about the advancement chemotherapy had become and the trend of the future treatment in cancer.
    it is 48 pages long but very easier to understand. and please remember beside chemo and targeted therapy;we have also the advancement of techniques in interventional radiology to combat cancer too.

    The future looks bright but it will take time; so hang in there for the best of it to come for us.
    God bless.

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