Aspirin trial to examine if it can stop cancer returning

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    Gavin, thank you for your post. One of the first things I ran across just before surgery, was an article that suggested that those who had taken an aspirin a day for a certain number of years before cancer diagnosis appeared to have less metastatic cancer. I don’t have the article any longer, but I know my surgeon said that most all CC was caused by inflammation…which was caused by something irritating the bile duct. Aspirin reduces inflammation, so that is probably the thought process, I’m guessing. I know that when I saw the article last year, I smiled inside…because I’d been taking a 325 mg aspirin a day for at least 5 years following a heart attack and then was dropped down to a 81 mg aspirin up until the day after the CT found the tumor. I had to be off the aspirin for the biopsy and just stayed off of it for the next 4 weeks, until I had my resection. Am hoping that these people are right and it helped keep the cancer cells from moving out of the liver into my blood stream. I think there may be a retrospective study that is what I had previously read a year ago. Glad to hear that the UK is going to do an actual clinical trial and with various dosages of aspirin.

    Julie T.


    Not specifically CC related but interesting and could relate at some point in the future –

    Aspirin trial to examine if it can stop cancer returning

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