ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology) 2009, Chicago

Discussion Board Forums Announcements ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology) 2009, Chicago

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  • #32782

    Hi Nancy,

    I can’t help you with your question as my dad never had chemo, but hopefully others will be along soon that can help more. I know it must be hard, but please do not give up hope and try to stay positive. Have you discussed with your doctors the possibility of trying another type of treatment or seeking another opinion? I am hoping and keeping my fingers crossed for better luck with this chemo treatment and please, keep coming back here as we care and will all help if we can.

    Best wishes,



    Hello Nancy…..yes, we have people on this board whose tumors have responded favorably to chemotherapy. I am hoping for some to come forward and answer your questions. Nancy, I am wondering: have you discussed radiotherapy with your physician? Of course, tumor location (major blood vessels) or size of tumor will be considered however, it might be worth looking into. You might also have more luck with the current chemo regiment. I am wishing for good results. And, please, stay in touch.


    Dear Nancy, I know it is hard but please don’t panic. Most times the panic leaves when a game plan is put in to place. Have you sought out a second opinion? Where are you being treated? I know people on this board have gone through the same thing you are now going through and I am sure you will soon hear from them. If I may suggest you posting this new, other than attaching it to an old post as I am afraid it is going to get lost. Go to something like General Discussion and start a new thread. Wish I could have more information for you but my husband had a Whipple for his Bile Duct Cancer. No chemo. Hang in, stay strong and you will soon get some answers here. You are not alone!


    HELP!!!!!!!! ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!

    I had a recent pet/ct scan I have (cholangiocarcinoma) I have 2 lesions on my liver and one in the soft tissue in the rt side of my pelvis. They have grown in size but no new progression elsewhere. I was dx July 25, 2008. had a cholecytectomy and a liver resection with 40% removal. I have been on Gemzar alone then Gemzar/Cisplatin and soon to start Gemzar/Xeloda. All the drugs helped for only the 1st scan then dont seem to help. I feel I am now running out of time and drugs. Has anyone had success in reducing the size of their tumors??????? I’m frantic and SCARED!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks for doing all you do! Let us know how it all went and I do hope you get home safe.



    Marion, you are so appreciated for all the wonderful work you are doing for this foudation and CC awareness.


    Similar to last year, we have been offered a table in the Patient Causeway although, it differs from last year in that this time we are in the vicinity of the Nurse

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