Ayurvedic herbs

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    Although not herbs, my sister recently read about papaya leaves possibly helping with tumors. I came across this article if anyone is interested:


    my dad was recently diagnosed and has started to drink some papaya leaf tea we found at a local natural foods store. can possibly be helpful.

    wishing everyone all the best,


    Check the Sloan-Kettering database, link in post below! A lot of evidence for the effects of turmeric, among other herbs!


    Thanks for share informative posting keep it up!!!

    Eletric Massagers


    Hi Jean,

    Yeah, even I strongly believe diet plays an important role and helps recover faster.

    Only side effect that you could experience with Triphala is upset stomach. So, the best bet is to start with the lower dosage like I mentioned in my previous post. I’ll check about Ashwagandha from my parents and would post here. I guess I heard about it from them but not sure if he is taking it as a part of herbal regime.

    One thing I missed in my previous post is Flax seeds. He takes flax seeds in powdered form. I don’t know the exact science behind but I guess its rich in Omega 3 and something that stops the development of cancer.

    I wish you all the very best in your treatment. Let me know if you have any questions.


    Hi AB

    Thanks so much for your response and the information. I am so glad to hear that your dad is doing so well…that is wonderful news! I think I will try the triphala and the turmeric. They seem to have few, if any, side effects and I do read quite a bit of positive information about them. I haven’t yet decided about the Ashwagandha…have you had any experience with it? I think diet is certainly a really important component and, at the very least, puts one in a state of health that makes one better able to fight whatever may arise. I try to eat almost all organic, mostly vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, and minimizing meat and dairy. It’s been quite a change in my diet so it’s still a work in progress!

    Thanks again for the information…I very much appreciate it. I’m hoping your father will continue to get such good news…please let us know!



    Hello AB,
    I want to thank you for joining this board and for sharing this helpful information with us. I am hoping for your Dad


    I have been interested in taking turmeric myself to help with arthritis pain and discovered that it is also good for the liver. I think my husband and I will both start taking it. Mary


    Hi Jean,

    I always come and read messages here in order to see what is helping people. But never posted before.

    Being on alternative medicines helped my father a lot. Here is the link to a year old post of mine on John Hopkins board:^WEBUTLTY(10598,895214)/106139680

    Since Oct 07 my father is on alternative medicines (as mentioned in my JH’s post) and a prescribed oral medication – geftinib. Recent MRI and PET scan shows no signs of tumor. I don’t know what exactly helped my father but we are more than happy to have see the results. From Jan 09 Doctors told him to stop taking the Oral medication for 3 months to see if there is any need of taking it in future.

    Also, we use Turmeric in our food daily.

    Let me know if you have any questions. I would be more than happy to answer them.

    Good luck with the treatment.

    PS: When I do preview of this message and tried clicking on the link its broken and don’t work. Copy paste the complete link and open in new window, delete “(New Window)” from the link and hit enter.

    Below is the copy of the message:

    Our experience with triphala & was posted on 01/16/2008 04:13 am by AB

    Triphala is a herb made of 3 fruits (Amla, Harad, Bahera(Indian name)) and is absolutely safe to use anytime. It has no side effects in fact is good to take even if you don’t have any problem. One thing to take care is when starting for the first time start with a smaller dose like for a powder form 1/4 tsp with a glass of water first thing in the morning. My mom makes it at home and give it to my father (61 yrs) every morning ever since he was diagnosed with advance stage of Gall bladder cancer in May 07. My father finished 6 cycles of chemo in September 07. Since then he is been on a prescribed oral medication and some alternative medicines including Essiac tea, Milk thistle capsules and fresh juice of following: -Wheat Grass, Aloe Vera, Neem leaves, Tulsi(Holy Basil), Giloy stem

    Eating 2 raw cloves of garlic 1 hr after lunch meal is good as well, I guess because it has lot of sulphur. Even raw onion is rich in sulphur which is good to treat cancer.

    Also, he does some yoga and takes very healthy diet..no pre-processed food, no alcohol, no meat, no sugar(because sugar feeds cancer cells)

    So far this is working well for him. He is active and energetic. Recent MRI says mild regression in tumor.

    Hope this information helps. Wish you all a very best of luck for your treatment.


    Thanks Marion and Patty! That web site does look like a good and pretty comprehensive one. Maybe I’ll try just eating a lot of curries…one of my favorites!



    I think this is helpful information:




    Hi Jean…only the tumeric (typed in to the search function) showed a very brief discussion.


    Has anyone been using any Ayurvedic herbs (traditional Indian herbs) such as Turmeric, Ashwagandha or Triphala? A friend has been strongly recommending these to me but I don’t really like to use something unless there’s some valid research. Any input?



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