AZD6244 (ARRY-142886), blocks certain enzymes that cancer cells need

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials AZD6244 (ARRY-142886), blocks certain enzymes that cancer cells need

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    Printing it out to take to my doctor. She has to love all the papers I bring to her…NOT.



    Hello Lucy….your story is inspiring and it spreads much needed hope. Thank you so much for posting this. I am so glad that you have joined us.
    My absolute best wishes coming your way,


    Oh my goodness, what a wonderful story. Thank you so much for that good news and our hope is for your mother to keep up the good work. Para sailing???? Fabulous.


    Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my experiences on this clinical Trial. My mother is in this trial and it is stablizing her cancer in her Bile duct. Last July of 2008 she was told she had months to live from 4 doctors with standard chemo and I search for days with Gods help and found this clinical trial . Dr Saab is a great doctor and gave MOM “hope” for the first time. I would highly recommend this Doctor and drug to anyone. I do want to add not everyone will have the same results. It depends on if you have the protein that works with AZD6244. My mother just came back last week from the beach trip that took 12 hours to get there. While she was there she went para-sailing for the first time in her life. I hope this may help someone out there that is trying to find treatment for their love ones. I know what it’s like to search and feel helpless. If anyone wants to email me they can at Peace to eveyone,

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