back after a long abscence

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! back after a long abscence

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    I too want to welcome you. I am glad you chose to come back. I did not find this site until a few days after my husband passed away. It has been a Godsend to me. My husband was also 62 and very healthy (we thought). He passed away on Sept. 2, 2008 only 7 weeks after the first symptoms presented themselves. The comfort & support I have received from everyone here has really given me the strength to go on. I have also found that talking to & helping others also helps me to deal with my grief.

    I can only reinforce what Marion & Patty have said. There is a strong bond that holds all of us together and there is truely strength in numbers. No one can really know or understand what we are going through except for those of us who have been there or who are presently dealing with this horrific, unpredictable disease.

    I am hoping that we will be hearing more from you as I am sure that your experience and knowledge can be of help to others & that everyone here can also be supportive & a comfort to you.



    Miche….Nice to have you back. You have been missed and as Patty said so well, there is a strong bond holding us together.



    Welcome back, everyone here can relate to your experiences, we have bonded over our frustration with this unforgiving disease.

    The grief support has been my saving grace these past few months, to be honest I didn’t think people I had never met in person could make me feel better but their words have helped more than those close to me who are well meaning but who have no idea what my mom and my family went through.

    Don’t be a stranger! We need you, there is strength in numbers!



    I lost my husband to CC last March 08. I stayed away from the site for a few months as I was too griefstricken. I find I want to hear about everyone, follow the progress and maybe offer some support if I can.
    My 62 year old husband had no symptoms either and his tumor was 11.5cm. I think we would have had more time if the cc had not caused several embollisms to occur. Some of the treatments seeme to buy time -as hellish as they were – he felt he could cope and even kept working, traveling ( with the oxygen tank in tow) and living as much as possible until a few days before his death. He had to go to Hospice for his last two days as the agitation caused by too much Ativan was causing him terrible distress, He wanted to LIVE -and he did – until the end.

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