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  • #35065

    Hi Amr,

    Like Marion’s husband, my dads stent was metal. He never had the plastic stent, only the metal one. His CC was deemed inoperable from the start and I think this is why his docs went with the metal and not the plastic stent. He also never had the stent cleaned or changed. As far as pain goes, dad had some after insertion which was controlled with meds in the hospital. Then once home, pain and twinges in his side were controlled with codiene based meds.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Amr….my husband had a metal stent and still Dr. Jenkins was able to remove it during the resection. He did tell me though, that it can be very complicated removing a metal stent as it has to be cut out in little pieces. From what I have learned, metal stents are considered permanent. I would talk this over with the physician. Also, my husband experienced much discomfort from insertion of either, plastic or metal stent that he choose sedation prior to the procedure. Something else you might want to discuss with the physician. Hang in there. Others may have more informatiion coming your way.
    Best wishes,


    is replacement will be difficult like the first time for my dad?
    marion wrote on this board about metal stents and said the metal ones will interfere with tumour removal in the future!!!is this righr marion????


    when my dad put these stent he complain from paralytic ileus(Adynamic intest. obst.)
    he asked me yesterday are these symptoms from growing tumour?he thought that stent will remain insito forever.when i told him about changing
    he said about what happened before.asking me is this will be difficult like before?i cant answer


    Gemcitapin/Cisplatin this is the regimen


    Hi Amr,

    Welcome back, it is good to hear from you again but I am sorry to hear about your dad right now. I can’t really add to what Marion has said to you, but want to let you know that I am thinking of you and your dad.

    I hope that you can find out what is going on for your dad and get the chemo started as soon as possible.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hi AMR, I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s latest condition. I cannot give anymore information than Marion did but I just wanted to let you know we care and hope for the best.


    Hello Amr and welcome back. We have seen, on this board, for stents to clog in as short as 3 weeks thereby causing the symptoms your are describing. And, at times, more than one stent is necessary to provide for proper drainage of the bile. Certainly, this is something I would discuss with his physician. Being that you are a doctor and so is your Dad, I assume that the communication between all is detailed and understandable. Amr…what type of chemotherapy has been suggested? And, remember we are always here to support you.
    Best wishes,


    hi everybody

    i miss u all.i just comeback to my home.the last 23 days were full of events.
    when my dad rturn to his work he feels his health go better, he never complain from anything
    but now the symptms of CC stat to appear
    fever,chills,slight jaundice,discolouration of urine,anorexia&pruritis.

    the oncologist told me he will not able to start chemo until blirubin go below 2mg.
    i am here today in my country to start chemo
    but these symtoms makes me depressed.
    are theses symptoms recur due to obstrction of the stents or by tumour itself????
    2 months only since theses stents were done!!!!
    we are here today to start chemo

    i need u

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