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    Trevor…nice to see you and sorry for you having to sign up all over again. The application for membership has become a bit more rigorous, but has significantly decreased the spam problems we had encountered.

    You are mentioning a sudden onset of nausea – is it constant or, does it occur right after chemo treatments? As the others have mentioned, easy to digest foods and supplemental protein drinks may help. Walking aids in the digestion. You don’t have to take long walks rather 15 minutes here or there worked wonders for my husband.

    Hang in there, Trevor. You should receive the blood tests real soon.



    Hi Trevor,

    Lauren always takes Compazine for nausea and it works pretty well. When she is super nauseous, which is hardly ever, it didn’t work as well. When she was really nauseous and took it, she usually ended up throwing up which I think she would’ve done with or without the Compazine. It seems like you need to take it right at the first twinge of feeling bad, not when it is full blown. Starchy foods seem to help like peanut butter and toast, rice, or mashed potatoes. Like Kris said, chicken broth or chicken noodle soup is good too. None of this is really very nutritious, but she feels better with something bland in her stomach. Also, sipping ginger ale will sometimes settle your stomach. Hope you can find the right remedy for yourself. Being nauseous is the worst. Take care.



    First off, congratulations on weathering so many Gem/Ox treatments. My experience with Oxy, although only 6 cycles, was that it is cumulative so any side effects I had increased per cycle. I started with nausea after the 2nd or 3rd cycle and it progressively got worse.
    I would definitely call my onc TODAY to see what they can do: either pills or suggestions on what to eat. Chicken broth worked great for me, but it doesn’t have a lot of nutrients. So I supplemented with nutritional drinks.
    Good luck, and call TODAY!!!


    Hi Trevor, good to see you again and welcome back! I think you need to talk to your ONC as it possibly could be the chemo, not sure. If you are not taking anything for the nausea ask the ONC as well, no need to be suffering like that. Also try to ‘graze’ on food during the day eating smaller portions more often and don’tworry about larger meals. But do talk to your ONC.


    Hey everyone,

    Been away for a bit. I had to re-register a username and password since I’d forgotten my old one, (Chemobrain perhaps?) or maybe I fell out of bed one too many times.

    I am approaching my 18 Gem/Ox treatment. Nausea has started to set in, much more so than usual. As a result, I lost five lbs. in a week. Hindering my appetite. Is this more a side effect of the chemo or the cancer? I had my Ca 19-9 drawn today. The chemo may explain why this came on so suddenly? Has anyone experienced this??? I know nausea is a general symptom but can it cause acute weight loss like this??

    Thanks again guys.

    Promise not to forget username and password again!


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