Back at the sight for advice 17 month cancer surviver

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Back at the sight for advice 17 month cancer surviver

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  • #29371

    Mr J,
    Congrats on the clean scan. It is always wonderful news. Low energy is common after the surgery.

    I am very sorry to have to tell you, Jefff passed away about a month ago. We miss him very much.



    Hello everyone its been a long time since I have been on this sight and glad to be back reading more information on some off my side effects of this cc . Let me update everyone liver and abdominal scans every 3 months and so far all clear except what they say scar tissue. I succesfully had half my liver,limph nodes,gallbladder and bile ducts removed. Its been about 15 month since my surgery and have bad stomach pains in the evening and have had on and off since then.The only pills I take are pancrelipase but went without for along time.I have changed my diet trying low fat meals often and small meals also.I am still loosing weight and hate that I am so skinny some times the zip ties or what ever they used to hook my asophogus to my liver poke my skin and hurt at least 3 of em.I am usually always tired no energy. ok this is only a introduction wont ramble on any more thanks for reading and talk to you soon Jeff ? 1 day by day Eric Johnson I will post on pain management are

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