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    Yep, and I am still numb except when the random hot, cold and bee sting sensations decide to pay a visit. Bee sting one is the worse….hot and cold are just weird, bee sting hurts. It is funny though to think of random sensations that make no sense….


    I’ve had lower abdomen pain. It’s been a year since my resection and it sounds like I’m older than you (56). I’ve had a hysterectomy, so my pain is not female organ related but the docs here have no idea what causes my pain. It feels like cramps. One doctor did say it “could be” displaced pain. My resection had to sever many nerves and I have no feeling in my upper abdomen. When pushing on my upper abdomen, I experienced pain in my lower abdomen. I’m just saying what is happening to me. Were nerves severed in your resection? I wanted to share.


    Hey Kris, YES – clear ct scans. I hope you also get some clear answers soon to the possible endometriosis. As an NC girl to another (much younger) SC girl, how’s the weather in Sweden today? We’re having one of those awesome blue sky days with low humidity. The light is starting to take on a hint of the autumn light. Take care of yourself!


    Kristin wrote:
    Kristin (are you also a Kristin? or a Kristen or Kristina, maybe?)

    I am a Kristin, but only when I am in trouble with my mother and then it is also followed swiftly by my middle name. If it includes my last name, oh deary me, I have been extremely naughty and am in the doghouse!


    That stinks about the endometriosis, but the rest of the news is just wonderful! I hope they can get the girl trouble under control — until then, celebrate!!! Congrats!
    Joyce M


    I’m sorry to hear they couldn’t do something immediate about the pain, but HOORAY about your scans!

    And really I think having a big life-goal, like starting a family, helps survivors to keep our eyes on the long term. You rock!

    Kristin (are you also a Kristin? or a Kristen or Kristina, maybe?)


    So I got the all clear from my ct scans last week. Great news, but didnt explain what was causing the lower abdominal pain. I was sent back to the gyneocologist today who did another vaginal ultrasound to investigate what was up. Again no cancer, just a “blister” on my ovary and she thinks that some of the pain might be endometriosis sinking its teeth into me. She thought that perhaps I should have lyproscopic surgery to firmly diagnos endometriosis and clean out those girl pipes to help with the pain. We are going to wait on it though. I was taken off the pill after my resection to give my half liver a chance to heal and (sorry for the tmi, but it might help other women) now my periods are heavier and longer which might be causing the flair up. I was diagnosed with possible endometriosis about 15 years ago, but since you need surgery to definately diagnos it and since it can be somewhat controlled with birth control and pain medicine, my doctor didnt want to put me through a surgery unless things got worse or I was having a problem conceiving children. So still no definate diagnosis, but possible endometrriosis. We are discussing getting back on the pill to control the periods which hopefully will lessen the pain, but I need to hear from the liver specialist first to get permission. But the best news is that the doctor didnt see anything wrong with me that would exclude me having children if I can stay cancer free for another 14 months!

    Arent you men lucky you dont have to deal with such things? ;) But I must say vaginal ultrasounds are uber neat!


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