Back from the hospital

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    Kris…same thing happened to my husband. He, just as you, choose to sleep through the next ERCP. I have to confess to being intrigued with the TV screen as well. There is just so much to see.


    Thanks for all your support. The funny thing is, I dont actually remember the ERCP. I have a really good knack for forgetting bad things. I dont much remember my recovery from the resection either.

    I got talked into doing it without anestesia by a young doctor who convinced me that it was sometimes easier because you dont get sick from the sleep drugs and that you can focus on not gagging. I actually think it was just they were short of anestesiologists because it was over the holidays. My husband was in the room with me during the ERCP and I asked if I embarrassed myself with groaning or anything and he said no, the coughing was the worst. I then asked him if he felt sorry for me at the time and he said “No, I was too interested in looking at the tv screen and seeing your insides.” Bless him for always putting it into perspective.


    Sorry you are still struggling with all of these problems. I really hope they hurry up and figure out whats going on!! At least you got your MRI results back and they were good. This seems to always be a waiting game. I don’t have the patience now that I had when my husband was going through his treatments. I remember being amazed at how I could sit in an office or waiting room, etc. for hours on end and not lose my mind! It is so frustrating but unfortunately part of life. Take care , we’re all thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way!! Mary


    Kris, you are one tough cookie if you got through an ERCP with no anesthesia! I would have been running out the door at the first sight of that gizmo getting near me!

    This may sound stupid, but have you tried any herbal remedies for digestive problems? I once had food poisoning that sent my entire digestive tract into an uproar for days, and a friend who lived in Egypt told me a remedy that they use there: toast a lot of cumin seeds in a dry frying pan, grind them up, then make a tea of them. It really helped me a lot.

    Hope you have a more comfortable weekend, and then GOOD NEWS on Monday.

    Sending healing thoughts your way!

    The other Kris(tin)



    So sorry to hear of your continuing hard times. I can’t believe they would do that…without anesthesia…what were they thinking! Patty’s right, “barbarism is alive and well”!

    Where exactly did they find the “spot” on the ERCP? If it was in your stomach, I would guess that it’s more of a formality and that they would feel obligated to biopsy it in anyone with a cancer diagnosis.

    You asked about how bone metastasis are diagnosed. Most commonly a Bone Scan is done, in which a radioactive substance is injected and then the whole body is scanned a few hours later. A CT Scan can also be used, especially for the pelvis/sacrum bones and soft tissues. An MRI is especially useful in evaluating for metastasis to the spine. X-rays can be used alone to help diagnose or to further clarify lesions seen in other studies. I don’t think the reliability of the PET/CT Scan has been clearly established in bone metastasis, though it is being used more often. It tends to be more accurate in some types of cancer than others and I would guess there have been no studies on it’s use in bone mets in CC.

    I am so glad to hear about the MRI results…that is VERY good news! You must be so frustrated though…the Prilosec again, that didn’t work before and made you worse. Still working on those Swedish lessons!!! BTW, have you tried Carafate? It works differently than Prilosec for stomach ulcers, kind of coats the stomach.

    Kris, I just think this is only another bump in the road. Know that I am sending every good thought and positive energy your way…I wish they would just find out what’s wrong!!!!!!! Hoping to hear good news very soon!




    Without anesthesia? Barbarism is alive and well. Sorry you are so miserable, consider me another cheerleader on your team –thinking good thoughts and channeling good results.



    Hey Kris, I’m sorry you’re having such a rough time. I hope you start feeling better with the IV fluids. Positive thoughts and prayers that it is an ulcer and nothing else.



    Hi Kris,

    With Rob they found the metatisic tumor in his sprine with a MRI. He has never had a PET scan, but I have been told this locates cancer cells anywhere they maybe located in your body. You as well as everybody affected on this site are in my prayers. Hope the doctors’ find good answers for you soon.


    Hi Kris,

    I will be thinking positive thoughts & hoping for the best for you. As for the question about bone metatisis. Thinking back, my husband was having a problem with aching legs before any of this started. They could never find anything. I now wonder if that was the case with him & that it wasn’t showing up on the X-Rays, MRI’s, Ct’s etc. I really don’t know, but it is just a thought.

    I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi Kris,

    I’m glad that you are getting some medical help. It’s scary to lose all that weight. It must be so frustrating not to be able to communicate more clearly with your doctors.

    I would be curious as to how they can pick up on bone mets.

    Good luck with your ERCP on Monday, it’s going to be more pleasant.

    Sending some eHugs your way,



    Hi Kris. How barbaric not to give you something for the ERCP. I used to get them all the time for ulcers before I divorced brand X. In those days they at least gave a valium drip and sprayed the throat with a numbing spray. These days they put you in a twilight. You poor thing. Every good thought I can muster is coming your way!


    So after 3 days straight of vomitting and not eating or drinking for a week, I went into the hospital on Saturday. I had lost 29 pounds and was just not doing well.

    They plumped me full of fluids (I actually gained 7 pounds just on iv fluids!). I got my mri results and luckily it showed no reoccurance. YIPPEE. My bloodwork is fine, though we are still waiting on the cae199. I had 2 rounds of xrays, one with contrast one without. The only thing discovered was during the 8 hour schedule of the contrast xrays, that my digestion is SLOW.

    On to an ERCP (without anestesia). My doctor saw a “spot” that on anyone else he “would have said it was an ulcer, but given my history, they need to take a tissue sample.”. Unfortuneately, I was in pain, gagging and although being forcibly held down was moving too much to get a good look or a sample. I go back in on Monday for another ERCP and tissue sample. They are putting me to sleep this time.

    I got sent home with something like prilosec and a tube for a stool sample (whenever that happens). I am annoyed as nobody is listening to me when I say that the prilosec was the start of all my problems. So here I am, in pain, bloated and wishing I knew *those* words in Swedish so I could tell at the doctors to listen to me.

    Does anyone know if bone metastisies are picked up in xray or mri?

    Can everyone think good, positive thoughts that I have one very annoying ulcer and not a reoccurance?

    Hope everyone is doing well.


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