Back pain

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  • #85759

    Hi Carrie,
    Welcome to this site….I am glad your father was able to enjoy the Thanksgiving day parade with his grandson…how wonderful is that!!

    When I was first diagnosed….I also had right shoulder pain and back pain. My tumor was quite large as well and I was told that the pain was “referred pain” from the liver. I hope his pain is alleviated soon and all is well. Please keep us posted. Hugs and prayers to you and your father.


    This may be completely different than what he is experiencing, but I have had some really strange back pain that we think is due to an electrolyte imbalance. The Cisplatin caused my Magnesium level to drop. The pain usually starts in my lower back and radiates up to my shoulders. It’s pretty intense at times. The two times it has been the worst is right when I start my infusion. Magnesium supplements seem to have eliminated the issue though. Hope his problem is resolved soon :-)


    As of right now they said surgery isn’t an option but the doctors did say that if the chemo does it’s job and shrinks the tumor than they may be able to go in and try and get it out.
    Again I just want to thank all of ya’ll, this community has been so much help and given so much knowledge!! It’s hard to get up to date info on this disease on the internet, I seems to be more comforting coming from people with experience with this disease.



    Welcome. My mother was diagnosed in Oct 2013 with one 5mm ICC tumor that is inoperable due to location (they tried, but closed her back up). She has not had back pain, but has had pain under the rib cage which could be tumor, or could be still pain from a slipped rib that has bothered her for years.

    Did they say if a resection may be possible after the chemo? Since Mom isn’t operable but only has the one tumor and no other mets, we went through 3 rounds of Gem/Cis which shrunk the tumor a bit and since then have gone after it with radioactive spheres (SIRT), and so far very encouraging results.

    Take care,


    Welcome, Carrie and you are so right when you call this CC a monster. I am hoping that perhaps Dad pulled a muscle when he carried his prize possession on his shoulders. Please try to be realistically optimistic! yOUR DAD SEEMED TO BE DOING WELL ON THE CHEMO WE WILL HOPE FOR THE BEST, Please keep us updated as we truly care.


    This is my first time posting, I have been reading and following multiple discussions on here and it has been so helpful!! My father was diagnosed with CC in Sept of 2014, he has one 8 cm tumor on his liver and is being seen by doctors at MD Anderson. He went in to the ER due to severe abdominal pain which he thought were gallstones but soon discovered was not the case. He has not had any jaundice, weight loss or fatigue, just had the pain which went away completely. He started chemo in October, he is doing Gem/cis one every 14 days. The first two cycles he had a bad case of nausea for days 3-5 but then was able to recoup pretty good. This last cycle the dr told him to try taking his meds a little differently to help prevent the nausea and it worked, he felt good after the treatment and we were all relieved!! Well Thanksgiving day we all went to the Thanksgiving parade and he carried my 2 year old son a good ways at a pretty good pace, well after that he has been having severe back and shoulder pains. He went to see his doctor to get different pain meds and she was concerned, not sure if it was a muscle spasm, infection or the tumor had grown. The doctor has scheduled a CT scan after this next treatment to see how the tumor is looking. My question is has anyone else had this type of back pain before. I am praying and hoping this darn tumor has not spread or grown but this disease is a monster and has a mind of it’s own!

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