Back pain – a common symptom?

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Back pain – a common symptom?

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    Amilcar… Yes it certainly could be as I just went through that. I’ve had back pain and rod implants for about 15 years and have had back pain most of the time. A montha ago I felt a different pain and I calmed it initially with medication and soaking in hot tub. It progressed within 2 months and I had to get an MRI done and they found tumor activity t-12 and s1 it was putting pressure on my spinal roots. I ended up on high dose morphine until it was knocked out with 3-D radiation. I still take pain meds but that is because of the nerve damage caused by the compression of the tumor before irradiated. An MRI is the best route to take in my opinion. It could be mets to the bone somewhere or like you said progression of of any current tumors. Everyone was so routinely focused on my primariy locations they missed the little gremlin that snuck up on my spine. Wish you guys the best and hope your Dad gets to the bottom of the problem real soon.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi everyone – my dad has had back pain for many years but it was always pretty localized in the lower back. Lately he has been having pain again but he says it’s a little different and we are worried it might be a symptom of disease progression.

    He says the pain recedes significantly with heat and medication so I’m not sure what to think.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    Thanks and best of luck to all!

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