Back pain and throwing up bile?

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    I am not talking about your fever.

    I am concerning about the throw up of the bile(you did not mention how much)

    I am concernig about your back pain since it may related to the kidneys if you took ABX like ciprofloxin or levofloxin WITHOUT drinking enough water to flush them out of the kidney for the past 10 days. You should always take those kind of ABX with a full glass or 3/4 of (150-240ml) water.

    I am concerning you may develop DVT(deep vein thrombosis) if you stay in bed all those ten days without walking around the house or doing thing.

    God bless.


    Hi Lost Soul,

    I don’t know if this could be down to the antibiotics wearing off or not, but I do agree with what Lainy and Percy have said to you about going to the ER. You say that you are in a lot of pain right now and that you are bringing up bile. This needs to be looked at asap so that at least the docs can do something for your pain. If you go to the ER then they will have to do something to help you now rather than wait for your onc app tomorrow. The vomitting is also something that the docs need to look at and see what they can do for this. Thinking of you right now and please let us know how things go.




    lostsoul….I agree with Percy and Lainy. I assume that you will be going to Princess Margaret Hospital. If that is the case then make sure that Dr. Knox will be notified.


    I just came out of the hospital 10 days ago they said the fever was from an infection and gave me the antibiotics I only finished me yesterday morning at 8 so they might still be in me I don’t have the fever anymore tho. They did all the scans and said they didn’t know where the infection was.


    No, I do not think your symptoms are related to antibiotics(ABX).
    And it is more than 24-36hrs after taking the ABXby now ;that means most the drug should be excreted out of your body and their residual effects should be minimum or none.
    My suggestion is to go to ER there they will get you Cat scan;blood work etc and you can have a muchand better picture about your problem.
    Go ASAP and don’t wait for the oncology appt. tomorrow.
    God bless.


    It may be the antibiotics but when vomiting bile I would go right to ER and make sure that’s what it is! They will call your ONC. That with the pain would steer me right to ER. Best of luck!


    So I just finished taking the last of my antibiotics yesterday and all day yesterday and today I have still had the bowel issues I have no more fever but I have incredible pain on the right side of my lower back and left side sometimes so much. I thought it was from lying down so long for the ten days I had to take my antibiotics but even though it feels sore it also feels like a throbbing pain. and I just threw up about 3 times which hasn’t happened since the hospital and since it Was green I’m guessing it was bile i was throwing up. I lost 10 lbs from being sick from antibiotics. I have an appointment tomorrow with my oncologist so I’m not sure If I should go to emerge or wait to See her tomorrow. Is this just the antibiotics wearing off?

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