Back Pain

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    I have back pain and have had numerous bone and ct scans and xrays over the past 2 months. All clear in the bones and areas that would cause back pain. It has been decided that the back pain is caused by being in bed too much.



    I know how your mom feels. I have a tendency (and a lot of doctors do, too) to think everything is the cancer. Often not true. Being is bed can cause a back to act up, but I am glad you have a scan scheduled. I don’t really know if this a normal part of cc. I’m sure others will let you know.

    Hope she’s feeling better soon.



    Hi Everyone,

    Some of you might remember.. my mother was diagnosed with CC Nov 2009. Since then she has been doing surprisingly well. Chemo (gezmer and oxyplatin worked great).. cancer spread to the lung and was treated with cyberknife radiation and now she is back on chemo. As far as the last scan which was taken in August the cancer in the bile duct, liver and lymph nodes were shrinking and just non-active.

    Now after all this, my mother is complaining of severe back pain. She started taking morphine and is just miserable with the pain. I was wondering if this was a normal part of CC.. she always had back problems and I told her it was probably due to her being in bed for two weeks straight after radiation and she hasent been moving around a whole lot.. she is convincing herself that the cancer spread and is just so worried.

    Shes scheduled for another scan in two weeks so we will have a better of whats happening after that.. thanks for all your prayers.. you are all amazing!!


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