Bad day today.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Bad day today.

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    Dear Dhill,

    I’m sorry to hear what your brother and you all are going through right now. Having been there with my dad I so know what you are all experiencing at this time. You are so right that this is so hard to watch and you are certainly doing the right thing in telling your brother that it is all about him and that you’ll do whatever he wants you to. I also know how much he will appreciate you being there with him as well. Please know that we are all here for you too and many of us know what you are going through right now. So please, you keep coming back here as much as you want to and vent away, we are here for you. Thinking of you and your brother right now.




    Dhill, Comforting thoughts and prayers sent your way for your brother, you and your family. May he find relief from pain and may you all be at peace with this journey. Show him your love through touch and words, even if you think he doesn’t know. He probably does and YOU will know you did and it will be good for you as well, to know your did these things.

    Hugs from Iowa Girl
    Julie T.


    Dhill……my heart hurts for you all.
    Do what you can to be physically present and loving, don’t forget to touch him and hold his hand, run a cool hand over his forehead or gently brush his hair. Gently move his arms and legs in a comfortable position and don’t hold back from saying everything you need to say. Tears are a normal and natural part of saying good-bye. You don’t need to apologize – you are expressing your love.
    Hugs and love,


    I am so sorry DHill. Remember to let him know he is loved, he can hear everything you say even if he is sleeping. My husband was on Morphine and it worked very well for him. As we keep saying comfort is the most important thing! Sending you a ton of love and hugs.


    My brother was so sleepy today. He had just had 2 great days and today the pain started. We started him on the morphine . It is so hard to watch him slip day by day. We keep telling him it’s all about him and we will do whatever he wants. Just needed to vent, thanks

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