Bad news…searching for treatment options

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    I have had lung mets for a couple of years and they haven’t bothered me yet, aside from shortness of breath.


    Marion and Gavin,

    Thank you both for your kind words. Just knowing that others are out there that can understand what you are feeling helps tremendously. I will try the search and see what I can come up with as well. This site has been so helpful and informative!

    Also, Gavin, I see that you are from Scotland. I had the opportunity to tour Scotland with my husband and father-in-law some years ago, and must say it is a beautiful country! We actually stayed in a cottage on Loch Ness for a few days! I came back with some beautiful photos!

    Thanks again for your helpful words. It is so hard not to focus on this constantly. This disease takes over everything.


    Dear Anp,

    I too am sorry to hear this latest news about your dad. Having gone through this with my dad and been told similar news that you have today, I know exactly how you are feeling right now. And no apologies what so ever are needed from you at all. So please, ramble on, vent, scream, shout and do what ever you want to do, we are all here for you and we will always be here for you.

    As Marion says, using the search function here will throw up many posts from memebers regarding lung metastasis and they may be of use to you. And please feel free to ask any questions about this and I am sure that someone will be able to help. Please know that we are all here for you and we know what you are going through right now.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    anp….I am so sorry to hear the news. Several of our members have lung metastases and hopefully they will come forward and share with you their experiences. In the mean time you might want to use the “google” search function, top right, by entering the word “lung” as it will reveal several postings regarding this issue.
    Please, do not worry about rambling. Where is there a better place to do so? You have much to deal with and we are here to support each other. Hang in there.
    All my best wishes,


    Well, I’m afraid I was right. The cancer has spread and has grown too much to continue the current treatment. The doctor says there are other drugs he could try, but the side effects are pretty rough and has not seen a ton of success with them. So my dad has decided against any more treatment. He wants the time he has left to be able to spend playing with his 2 granddaguhters who absolutely adore him. While I am completely heartbroken, I support his decision. None of us want to see him suffer any more than he has to. But hopefully this will give him an opportunity to spend quiality time with our family and enjoy each moment we have.

    Has anyone out there had any experience with cc and lung cancer? It is now in both lungs (at the base) and he seems to be showing early symptoms. (coughing, pain with deep breaths) How quickly will this progress? I am trying to prepare myself. I seem to handle things better if I do that.

    Sorry to ramble on, but I have found this site so informative and helpful. It just helps to get it out there to people who understand and have had similar experiences.


    anp…..the criteria for entering a clinical trial (in most instances) is quite restrictive. Possibly, the upcoming visit with the physician may reveal one more option of therapy. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Please, keep us informed.
    All my best wishes,


    I have searched through the clinical trials listed and I can’t seem to find any that my dad could try. For one reason or another, he meets at least one restriction on all of them. He has had so many other medical issues prior to the cancer (DVT, heart surgery, diabetes, thoracotomy, etc.) that it is keeping him from being able to fight the way he would like to. I am not looking forward to hearing about his doctor’s appointment today, as I am afraid even the doctor will not have any good recommendations at this point. Thanks for listening!


    Please read under general discussion , the replies on “any advice on chemo treatments”.
    it may provide you a general idea of what to expect about chemo treatment ;
    and above all what kind of options that you may have when you discuss the matter with your medical professionals next week.

    Listening to them closely and respectfully first ;if you don’t understand what new treatment they will recommend; kindly ask them to explain how it works;when it is your turn to speak ask what is his/her thinking of “the desired end point” of the new treatment if you father can tolerate the side effect and the treament works.(so you can avoid a common run around answer);and if the treatment does NOT work,what will he/she do next ? eg chemo or RFA or radiation.

    At the end of the visit,doctors will always you “Is anything else I cando for you?” You then kindly mention just one or two of the options you choose to see what their opinions are. In this way,you ,as a patient,show your respect to them as doctors but you also make them aware you are on the top of things and may gain their respect for you and your father.


    It’s been quite some time since I last posted. At the time my father had just begun Xeloda / Gemzar treatments and we were in such high hopes that it was working. A scan midway through showed no shrinkage of tumors, but no growth. Then we got news from the latest scan…one tumor almost doubled in size, and now there are lesions in both lungs. Doctor has recommended stopping current treatment as it is no longer doing anything helpful but keeping his quality of life down. Now we are waiting for new recommendations at an appointment next week. There has been mention of clinical study out of Nashville that might be promising. Just thought I would post to see if anyone out there has had any similar experiences and any helpful advice. (This news comes almost exactly 1 1/2 years after diagnosis).

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