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  • #62045


    I am so glad you found a place you like and feel comfortable going to.


    Sorry, you were gone when I posted about MDA. I live in Phoenix and this is brand new having opened up last Fall. I am just in a watch mode but my new ONC came here from MDA Houston and knows Dr. Javle. I took him some of our brochures and told him I would be happy to talk to anyone coming in with CC if they wanted to speak with me. Oh, he said Dr. Javle is the nicest and kindest man. But, how I would have loved to meet you!


    I’m so glad you love MDA. We love it too. I just feel at home there. Are you seeing Dr. Javle or another doctor? Maybe next time I’m there we can meet up!


    Wow Lainy, this new centre does indeed sound fantabulous!! And it sounds like you like your new onc as well, good stuff! A little cafe as well, if the food was good then this place ticks all the boxes!!!




    Wow, sounds awesome. There is nothing like walking into a facility and just knowing you are in good hands. Glad you liked the doc too, that is a plus.



    Fantastic Lainy! It’s a good feeling to know you are in good hands in a good place! Hugs. Nancy


    Had my initial appointment today at the new facility and I cannot say enough good things. From walking in the door to having lunch at the little cafe I am convinced this is the place to be for any kind of Cancer. My new ONC knows Dr. Javle as he has just come here from Houston MDA and says he is absolutely the nicest man. I told him about US and gave him some brochures. Next scan December and then to see him the next day. Boy, was this the right move and it is only 7 minutes from me!

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