Well, it’s been a bit since I’ve posted, and I apologize for that… Since the Tough Mudder http://www.toughmudder.com on 12/4 and vacations at the end of the year along with a career change on 1/4/13 (I’m now officially a Realtor, activated my license and sell homes for the builder I used to work for here in Sarasota, http://www.johncannonhomes.com) it has been a bit busy! I had my 1.5 year scan on Tuesday this week. My wife just gave me a call and said that my scan and all bloodwork were normal. It’s kind of funny because I seriously did not even have the scan on my mind nor was I experiencing any ‘scanxiety’ at all either. bottom line… CLEAN SCAN BABY! I’m wishing everyone else on the board luck, prayers, and support as you fight the good fight with CC. It was a shock to me when I was told post surgery what it was (didn’t even officially know until 5 days after surgery) and the recovery/post surgery infections/2nd and 3rd drain insertions/8 weeks of antibiotics with tube sticking out of my chest/3 months chemo/5 weeks of radiation appear to have worked!!! So far, so good. I’ll be popping in periodically too. Anyone wants to send a direct note, derinhampton@gmail.com and I’ll get right back to you!