Being detrimental — warning… This is not a happy post

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    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for letting us know about your app with the rad onc, and grrrrrrrrr to more waiting! Hoping that you get some good news from your new onc on the 1st. Have you went out and got that steak yet and if so, I hope it was very tasty!




    Kris, so now we sit and wait for April 1st. CC is certainly NOT for anyone who does not have patience. Well, my offer does not have an expiration date! Try to use this time to be good to yourself.


    Thanks Cathy.
    It’s not the money as much as the ??? Of what I will be doing.
    Update: the rad onc says no because the new node is too close to one already radiated and he says he might do more harm than good. The good news is I feel healthy. The bad news is I feel healthy. No one wants to make me sick doing something that may or may not work. I have an appt with a new onc on April fool’s Day (appropriate)!! According to my rad onc she has an idea… I have to wait and see… I talked to surgeon again today and am waiting for my current onc to get back to me… Nothing new there. She may be getting fired soon: it all depends on the new onc willing to take over maintenance of the pump…


    Just wondering how just visit to rad onc went. Praying for something good, you so deserve it.


    Kris-EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY!!!! Like all have said be angry, I don’t know anyone who deserves it more right now!!
    I love Lainy’s idea, for some Lainy time. I would love to suggest for all my fellow CC family we start a “SEND KRIS TO LAINY FUND”!! I think if we all send just a few dollars we can get your ticket to Lainy!!
    Kris post and address and we can all pay it forward, not only helping you, but I know for me doing something that does make a difference!!
    We love you Kris and you are an inspiration to all of us!!
    Lots of prayers, HOPE, and hugs-Cathy


    Your thoughts and fears are within us all who are dealing with this ugly disease! Isn’t this a great place to share it all! In the past few days I watched my dad hit rock bottom and then decide to fight for a little more time! It was the most amazing thing to watch. I was truly amazed. Dig deep inside yourself…. You can do it! Be kind to yourself! Eat the steak, drink the wine and enjoy a nice bubble bath! You deserve it all:)


    To Kris and Holly and anyone else this can pertain to:

    Even when you feel as though
    there isn’t a lot you can do
    to change unhappiness or problems,
    you can always do a little –
    and a little at a time
    eventually makes a big difference.


    Well, I go tomorrow to talk to the rad onc. I just hope he has some ideas of what to do…


    Oh, Holly, PLEASE don’t give up! I haven’t seen any postings from you since your scheduled surgery… How are you?
    And, no, it’s not fair!!
    I am sending all kinds of love and support and prayers (now that I’m speaking to God again).


    Oh, Kris. can I vent too?? Thank you for giving all of us permission to vent, to rage, to cry out that it isn’t fair. It is NOT FAIR!!!! I just married the love of my life and I have to leave now? My daughter is 14 and I have to leave her? Is is NOT FAIR! Bundle yourself up and scream out and cry – – we all do it but you are just braver, you are giving voice to the anger and sadness and “I have had enough” that we all feel. I thank you for your gift, and I HUG you with all my might. Please know you are loved. Just hold that close. From all of us. xoxox Holly


    Love you, Kris!!! You’re one amazing lady xxx


    I agree with everyone…enjoy a few indulgences and don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re a special lady and I’m so glad you have friends there (and here) to lean on.


    Hi Kris,

    I’m glad you are blowing off steam. Go out and eat all the steak and drink all the wine you want. It seems you have had one disappointment after another and deserve it more than anybody!! I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself and let loose once in a while. If you want a bowl of ice cream or a drink, then have it. I believe in eating healthy, but not giving up everything. I can’t imagine you not being depressed after all you have been through. I think it would help if you spoke to a social worker or some other professional that did not know you. You could scream, cry and let it all out and they would tell you that you are normal. I also think a few days with Lainy would do anybody wonders. I’m hoping that spring will make you happier. I know you are tired of all this. We know the feeling. We want to get off this ride and lead a normal life. I’m so glad you got this out of your system. You are always the strong one trying to cheer everyone else up. Let us help you for once. You are the dear friend everyone wishes to have. Now go get that big, juicy steak!!

    Love and big, big hugs,


    Oh My Dear Kris,

    Sorry to hear of this set back. You deserve to rant and rave all you want. Get it all out. I agree with everyone else. Do whatever the heck you want and enjoy it. I am sitting here in my shop with tears in my eyes as I read this.

    I’m with Gavin. If you can make it work, a few days in Arizona won’t change things, but will sure make you feel a lot better. Wish we could all go. :) You would be more than welcome to come to Wisconsin, but with 20 degree weather, snow and more on the way, I don’t think it’s what you need. :)

    Just remember that we are all here for you and willing to listen. No matter what our situation we totally understand.

    Thinking of you and hoping for better days to come.

    With Lots of Love & Hugs,



    Gotta agree with the others here about eating that steak and having some wine. And if it was me and it was possible to do so then I would be taking Lainy up on her offer of you going and staying with her for a bit. Maybe a break from your normal day to day stuff, some sun and just getting away for a bit will do you some good? Even just going there for 3 days or so, with 3 steak houses close by thats a steak a day! Sounds better to me than an apple a day!

    I hear what you are saying about being tired of all the crap and that is so understandable, so maybe a wee break is just what you need right now? I know that a break away from home won’t be the magic cure as it were, but maybe it will help you snap out of things right now? Just thinking out loud here and a break does us all some good every now and again doesn’t it.

    In the meantime, enjoy your steak and wine and I hope that it tastes delicious!



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