
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! belliruben

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    jesse has just got out of the hospital.His belliruben went to 11. They placed a drain tube in his bile duct.He is still very jaundice.He goes back to see to get results of blood work tomorrow.Like somone said we are on a roller coaster ride.


    Jesse….hang in there. This disease is a roller coaster ride. I am wondering though, why so long until the next scan?
    All my best wishes,


    In 2007 they reconstructed the bile duct and now since he is having trouble again.They say that no stint can be put in.He was in the hospital in Dec.2010 it was infection and he dehydrated.they got it back down by inserting a bag running from bile duct to drain it.They took the bag back out because it quit working they think it is because of obstruction.We dont know what is next other than another blood test April 1st and a Cat scan in May


    Hi Jessee,

    Did they fit your Husband with a plastic or metal stent when his bilirubin was high? If so the stent may have become blocked or like Lainy said he may have an infection which can cause bilirubin to rise. This can be sorted out with either a course of antibiotics or the stent being either cleaned out or a new one fitted.

    What did the doctors say about the rise in bilirubin?

    Bowel movements don’t effect bilirubin levels but your husband could drink alot to help flush the bilirubin out of his system. My Dad was always told to drink, drink, drink. He also took fresh lemon juice and warm water morning and night as we were told lemon helps to thin the bile.

    Hope you get it sorted soon



    Hi Jessee. Could your husband have had an infection? I don’t think the bowels have anything to do with Bili Rubin. For the most part blocked ducts/stents/infection can make the B.R. rise. Hoping your husband continues to have the lower count.


    my husband has been sick & losing weight since Nov..His belliruben was up to6.0 he was admitted to hospital.In Feb.his belliruben went back down to 1.5 but his blood was checked again March 4th.It is now back up to2.2 does good bowels movements mean it could be going back down or not?

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