Ben’s Chemo started October 30th, 2010 Gemzar and Cisplatin

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Ben’s Chemo started October 30th, 2010 Gemzar and Cisplatin

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  • #43798

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for letting us know how Ben is doing after his second cycle of chemo. And it’s so good to hear that you had a busy Thanksgiving with friends and family and I hope that you all had a great time! Hope you both have the best time ever in New York, that sounds great to me!

    My best wishes to you and Ben,



    Hi Tom and BEn! So happy to hear you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving. If Ben gets bored send him here and I will let him do my house too! Keep up the good work, you guys and have a wonderful time on Broadway!


    Ahh, I remember being up at 3am and cleaning out the cupboard under the kitchen sink. Gotta love those steroids.

    “normal boring lives” – that’s wonderful!!!


    Ben finished his second cycle of gem/cis yesterday. We had a busy thanksgiving week with family and friends. Ben did manage to pick up a cold that led to some bad congestion ( his coughing sounded really bad), but he felt ok. As a precaution we called the doctor and he took cipro over the weekend. His blood counts were normal yesterday so they went ahead with the chemo and today he still feels good (but his congestion and cough are still there, just not as bad).

    We have heard that sometimes the steroids can cause people insomnia the first night, which Ben hadn’t experienced, but last night he didn’t go to bed until 4:30 so I guess it finally hit him. He slept until noon and has been active all day..we shall see how it goes tonight (he is cleaning the garage now and it’s 10:15 pm).

    Anyway, so I count ourselves as lucky as still no side effects (although he did have another round of hiccups, that disappeared again with the “spoonful of sugar” remedy. So, luckily nothing exciting to report, just our normal boring lives. We are going to New York City this weekend to see the Christmas lights and hit a couple broadway shows….so that should be fun.

    Doctor appointment for follow-up next week. Gavin I haven’t forgotten about that recent study you found so will be asking the doctor about that and will report back.

    Take care everyone…my thoughts are always with you.



    Gavin-you have a deal there. I cook you wash!

    Tom- New twist on Thanksgiving. Instead of Turkey with so much waste, and everyone likes white meat, this year I am making 2 turkey breasts and I always make a second entree especially for the Grandkids, and that will be Salisbury Steaks. I always make the stuffing separate anyway so it all works out fine.
    We have a lot to be thankful for….Teddy is still here to enjoy it and Ben is doing fab!


    Thanks everyone! And Lainy has me beat by one! Only eleven at our house for dinner, but I am like Lainey..I love Thanksgiving…I love to cook and Thanksgiving always reminds me of home.

    Any of you are welcome at our house if you ever make it to Fort Lauderdale.



    Hi Lainy,

    Cooking for 12? Sounds like a lot of work. I know this is your fav holiday and that you love to cook for everyone, but how about next year I help you out with the cooking? And I can wash dishes too!!!!

    Hugs to you and T,



    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the update on Ben. Great to hear that he is having no side effects bar the hiccups from the first treatment, keeping my fingers crossed that this continues for Ben. Sounds like the party is at yours for thanksgiving and I hope that you all enjoy it!

    My best to you and Ben,



    That’s great news to hear Tom.

    Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving.



    THAT MAKES TODAY YET, A GOOD NEWS DAY, TOM. So, what time is Thanksgiving Dinner???? Just kidding, I have 12 here myself, my very favorite Holiday! Have a great Holiday.


    I missed that post year for sure!

    So, Ben started his second cycle today on the gem/cis combo (so his 3rd treatment). I almost feel like I should be posting this in the “good news” section, as for now – he still has experienced almost no side effects (except for those hiccups from the first treatment).

    The doctors are still quite happy with his blood counts, and he continues to go to the gym almost everyday. Counting my blessings and hoping things continue this way. We have some of Bens family coming for Thanksgiving so I hope he still feels good because I will be cooking up a storm.

    Take care everyone!



    Sidekick of Chemo Man,

    I think maybe you missed my post about the costumes you and Ben should wear to chemo:

    Although I don’t know of any research studies on the effects of cape wearing on chemo outcomes, I think it can’t hurt!



    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for sharing Ben’s experiences of his chemo and I know that this will help others that are going through or are about to go through this treament. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the best possible outcome for Ben and I hope that you will continue to let us know how he gets on with it all.

    My best to you and Ben,



    I guess if Ben is Super Chemo Man, that makes me his sidekick “Anti-Nausea Man” (because i try to keep thngs in balance)!!



    Glad to hear Ben is off and running as Super Chemo Man. He is lucky to have you by his side.


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