best friend & her husband

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! best friend & her husband

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    Welcome to our family, Lana and Best Friend. You might want to check out a very popular book called “The Anti Cancer Book”. It has tons of food information. You can also check out our Search button at the top of the page. Just type in any word you want information on and a ton of Posts will appear with information for you. To offer more information we would have to know a little more about his diagnosis. Like where it is, was anything else involved. Please keep us posted.


    Hi everyone,

    I’m Lana from Australia. My best friend’s husband has just been diagonsed with cholangiocarcinoma – cancer of the bile duct.

    He has had a stint put in & have just started chemo. Now he has the next 6 weeks to continue having chemo with the hope that it is doing something positive for him.

    I’m trying to find any info for her on what he can & cant eat, and anything else she can try doing for him.

    Any information would be greatly appriciated, google is now our best friend!!

    thanks in advance.

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