Beta Hydroxide, etc (HMB)

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Beta Hydroxide, etc (HMB)

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    Sharon…thanks for the explanation. Sharon, this is a difficult situation. I believe that your Mom needs to be seen by a physician. If your Mom is not able to be transported to the doctor’s office, then I would make sure to explain this to the physician. He/she will advise you as to what to do next. Please, stay in touch.
    Hugs and love,



    I think I will be getting the wheelchair soon. They have them at the oncologist office when I get there. I pull up to the front door and then put Mom in the chair. I hope to go tomorrow.
    Thanks Lainy
    Talk soon


    The nurses at the oncologist office suggested I get some at home help to assist. Mom has a local oncologist. She has her stent change outs at a large facility Yale Cancer Hospital, New Haven, CT. She did see a surgeon at Sloan, NY in the beginning, but they said have treatment and then they will see if she is a candidate. I will bring Mom into the oncologist – hopefully tomorrow.


    sharon….my heart goes out to you. Please help me understand: who has ordered the once a week visiting nurse? Who is her treating physician?
    Hugs and love,


    Sharonlee, just a thought, but can you rent a wheelchair for Mom to go to and from the doctor?



    I want to say thank you for asking all the questions. I am so blessed to have you help me. Mom has been seen only by the visiting nurse; I cancelled her last appointment because she was weak. She did have a scan the last time I took her to the emergency room. The oncologist has all the scans and blood work from the hospital. Mom’s temperature still goes to 100 – I give her tylenol which brings the temp down. I have an appointment scheduled with the oncologist tomorrow, but it’s so hard to get her there when she feels weak. Marion, any of your questions or suggestions are very helpful to me.


    sharonlee…You had mentioned that your Mom is anemic, and as far as I remember she had an infection some time back. When was the last time she had a scan? Does she still have the fluctuating temeratures? When was the last time she had been seen by the physician?
    Sorry for my asking all these questions?
    Hugs and love,


    Memorial Sloan-Kettering maintains a very helpful web site about alternative treatments. They have a page on HMB:

    (You will have to accept a disclaimer before the page opens)

    Each page has two tabs: one for healthcare professionals, another one for consumers. I always read both :-)

    Good luck whatever you decide to do with this info.



    I have talked to them. And I will again early next week. I have seen some old posts about yoga and steroids for fatigue etc. I know Mom won’t do yoga and I am not sure about the steroids (if they are safe). I know someone will tell me on this board. Anyway, it’s difficult to get Mom into the oncologist office when she feels so weak. She doesn’t want any more chemo.
    Thanks for your reply Lainy.
    Hope you have a nice weekend.


    I have not heard of this but am wondering if you have talked to the ONC?


    Is anyone familiar with this? My Mom is very weak and just wondered if anything would help? I do give her the drinks, but not much has changed.

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