Bile duct drain problems

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    Metal stents also can be cleaned out. I agree with the others and would seek a second opinion.


    Of course, Surgery is the only possible cur for CCA( cholangiocarcinoma )
    Normally, the metal stent can be last as long as 6month to 2 years.
    When did you put the metal stents in? If the stent still partially clogged, the doctors can ,after mob up the site they will put plastic stent inside the metal stent to keep the stent open, then depends on your condition, the stent can be replaced every 2-6 month.
    God bless.


    Thanks for the replies. The doctor does not see any signs that tumor is present.
    When the stents were first placed I felt good for just 4 weeks. I figure there has to be a limit to the number of stents that can be placed. The ones I have are the metal ones, I hear they are not easily removed.
    Are there any other options besides stents and drains ?


    Since I do not know about your bilirubin level and how yellow you are in your eyes(jaundice); I can not provide any assumption to your current disease status. It is clear that the chance you have extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is higher than the intrahepatic kind; but they do put”biliary stent”-a small rubber tube about 1.5 inches long and about 1/8-1/16 of an inch in overall diameter inside the liver bile ducts and they can get clogged very easily; the thickness of the bile, the content of the bacteria and the microscopic debris from the cells are factors for the contribution of the obstruction of the biliary stents.Tumor growth clearly will be a factor too.

    It is best for you to seek a 2nd GI liver specialist opinion in a university setting hospital;I think Baylor first then MD Anderson, to find out why you still have jaundice. I am not a doctor but a patient.
    God bless.


    My husband had a liver resection in 2009 and in 2012 he had scar tissue build up where the surgery had been performed which they called conclusions so his doctors did what they called a ballooning which was performed a few times. It was to stretch it ducts back open and once they were comfortable with how the stretching was going they stuck in stents. But while all this was going on they had a tube in the liver for external drainage because he was turning yellow. It seems to have worked so far. But he also had a reoccurrence of his cancer then too. He’s been doing chemo since then. Don’t know if any of this helped.
    I’ve known another person who has had similar problem too.


    I can’t answer stent questions but just want to offer a hello. Sorry you’re having trouble. Did you read the post about the person doing photodynamic therapy? He (she?) said it made a big difference with drainage issues. Anyway, best to you as you search for a solution to get rid of the jaundice .


    I had a liver resection but did not need any stents. Others on the board have required them, so I’m hoping they’ll chime in.
    We always recommend second opinions around here! ;)

    Take care,



    I had a liver resection in August 2011. I have had 3 billiary drain stents but there is always another occlusion. Now I have the external drain and still not getting good drainage, jaundice still there. My doctors have been very nice but i am thinking it is time for other options.

    Is this a common problem after liver resection?

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