Bile Substitute for digestion

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Bile Substitute for digestion

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  • #54782

    Creon at 40000, 25000 or 10000 seems to work for me…. and I seem to be able to eat within reason as before … fried greasy or fatty … main problem is keeping a source with me and remembering to take them … my wife’s handbag certainly comes in useful…!


    BJ, welcome to our wonderful family. You need to ask your ONC but there are Meds out there to aid in digestion. Along with that you need to avoid fried, greasy and fatty foods as they can make you pretty miserable. If you go to our search engine at the top of the page and type in Diets I think a ton of information should appear. Best of luck to you. We’d like to hear more about you if you feel so inclined.


    Is there a med or, better, a diet that can substitute for the help that the bile removed with a biliary tube would have provided for the digestion of fats?

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