Biliruben trending down – Need to pick a next step

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Biliruben trending down – Need to pick a next step

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    My dad did gem/cis treatment. It gave him a year. He was diagnosed at stage IV.

    He tolerated the chemo very well.


    I’ve posted on the clinical trials board where my dad was unsuccessful with Dr. El-Khoueiry’s MEK inhibitor trial.

    To re-cap, after the trial failure (which was the 2nd treatment attempt after Gem/Cis failed), dad’s bile ducts became blocked and his bili went up ….after the International Radiology (IR) team at USC ruled out a Percutaneous Biliary Drain, Dr. El-Khoueiry recommended we not pursue additional treatment. Our family, including my dad… were NOT ready to just give up and we checked him into UCLA last Thursday. Good thing we did because upon review, the IR team there did in fact recommend a drain and successfully completed the procedure on Friday. His
    bili is now down to 2.9 as of this morning (score 1 for the Bruins and 0 for the Trojans… sorry USC).

    Dad’s being discharged today from UCLA (weak but he can walk). But this brings up the next question – WHAT treatment to pursue once his bili gets down to the 2.0 range which is where treatment becomes available.

    I’ve seen many post the direct arterial pump for chemo might be a good idea… or maybe another trial with Dr. El-Khoueiry (but if he’s not too enthused… do we want to see him again…not sure) ?

    Any ideas would be welcome. My thanks to those who encouraged us to fight.

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