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    I will keep everything crossed that the bilirubin falls or remains low enough for chemo to start. After one stent placement Dads bilrubin took over a fortnight to fall, this was due to inflammation of the ducts. He had to go back in for the dye to be put round and everything was working. In the end he too had an external drain and that remained what they called “static” ie the bile level remained the same even with the external drain. Dads level never fell low enough for chemo, but the fact that they are talking about chemo for your husband is a positive sign. We were told there was no chance of chemo for Dad.

    Best wishes



    It has been 2 weeks since the drain was fitted.The billiruben did go up to 11 after it was fitted.The next week it went down to9.9 but this week it went to 12.WE will know when they start the Chemo April 5TH at that time they will do another blood test to see what the billiruben is doing.


    Sometimes the bile ducts can become inflammed after the stent/drain procedure and it can take time for the inflammation to come down. When did your husband have the drain fitted?

    If the bilirubin is at a safe level to have chemo then the tumor may shrink and the bile will flow better.

    Have they said when chemo will start?


    The drain is draining good but not helping.The bile ducts are obstructed.He doesn’t have a infection.


    Hi Jesse, have they ruled out any infections or checked to see if the tube is clogged? These are common problems with the tubes.


    HI I would like to know if anyone has had a drain tube inserted in bile duct and the billiruben went up higher my husband Jesse just went for another blood test and it went up to 12. They say now the only thing left to do is Chemo now .Pease if anyone has had this experience let me know.

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