Bits and pieces at GI Symposium,June 2014 at San Francisco

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  • #78865

    Thanks for that Percy. Do you have a link to the study that you mention?


    Hi, everyone,

    The key to this study is the last sentence of the conclusion .
    BTW, I talked to Dr. JAVLE, and thank him personally for the help he has been contributing to the members of this discussion. He I so humble and his willingness to help us out is rare.
    I also talk to Dr. Jeff Geschwind, an interventional radiologist(IR) who wants patient to know IR can be of benefit to CCA patients and he thinks the cholangiocarcinoma foundation is a great place to let people know about IR benefits .
    I ask about the IRE benefit and shortcoming , he said, as of now, IRE ablation procedure still need to work itself out( ie: to minimize the side effects and increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
    I also talk to Dr. J. Knox with regard to patients seeking help from other provinces apart from Ontario. She said that there should be a regional cancer center in each of the province ‘ s capital ( Edmonton in Alberta;Vancouver and Halifax. ) She did mention since there are more similar or related cases in Halifax, that the Halifax regional cancer center is excellent too.

    God bless.

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