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  • #27742

    Dear Kris,

    I am so sorry you have to be dealing with all of this bad news. You have already been through so much. I think your attitude is pretty darn good under the circumstances. You have every right to be upset, frustrated, angry & scared. It really is hard to understand how you can feel so good & be so sick, isn’t it? But that seems to be the nature of this horrible disease. I hate this monsterous cancer. It is so sneaky & unpredictable. There is just no way of knowing what will come next. Come back & vent all you want. We are all here for you. Take care of yourself Kris and let us know how things are going. Keep that great attitude. That is what will get you through.

    I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

    Lots of Love & Hugs,



    You hang in there, Kris. You’ve been through so much over these last few months you deserve to have a pity party. I always found that acknowledging my pain and hurt for a day helped me pick myself up the next and go on with a smile.

    Did the doctor say if there are any medications or herbs besides milk thistle that will help your liver out?

    We love you!


    Oh, Kris, I am so sorry to hear what is happening. You may not think so, but your attitude still sounds good. Is there not a kinder antidepressent they can try? Sounds like you have a wonderful doctor. Sure don’t blame you for feeling scared, but I know you have a lot of spunk in you and we will be your cheerleaders….fight, fight, fight!


    I just got back from the hospital…no chemo again because my liver values are not so hot. The bad news continues….the PET scan revealed abnormalities in a lymph node and in my liver. They are not sure if they are cancer or not…could be inflamation from the surgery, but most likely not. There is also a possiblility I have a blood clot in my shoulder. I will have a test to check for that as well as a ultrasound with contrast to check the liver. They are waiting on the lymph node test because they want chemo to have a chance at it first.

    I am on steroids and have now been taken off my antidepressent to help my liver. I am already devastated about the news and delay in chemo again. I am not sure how I will handle things without the zoloft. I will have more bloodwork on Thursday to see if it is working. There is a possibility I will change my chemo regime to Gemzar instead of Xeloda and quite the Avastan, but keep the Oxaliplatin.

    I am so upset. I feel great. I dont understand how things could gotten so bad so fast when I feel so good. My doctor said I looked great too. I told him that I have not given up so they could not either to which he replied that for someone like me they leave no stones unturned.

    How can I fight this cancer when my liver is protesting? It is a liver enzyme, not the bilirubin that is up. BLAH. I am so frustrated and angry and scared right now.


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