Bleeding from the stent

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  • #83576

    This is a disease of roller coaster moments. Just when it seems you will be getting off the coaster it sends you on another dizzying round on it. I know it seems overwhelming right now but things will get better. Getting the bleeding stopped and seeing the bilirubin go down are great. Infection with stents is very common but should be easily treated with the antibiotics. Once the infection is down then everything should stabilize and you can start looking ahead at what the plan will be.

    Hang in there.



    So sorry to hear of the continuous difficulties. I assume that he will be treated for the infection and for the bilirubin to drop again. Stay strong.
    Tons of hugs,


    Well the good news the bleeding had stopped and the bilirubin went down to 19 from 30 since the first stent.the doctor went ahead and put in a metal stent in yesterday, wich caused and infection…..omg and now the bilirubin has gone up to 23 wtf…..


    Hoping too for the bleeding to stop as well, fingers are crossed for that. Please let us know how things go and what the GI team say as well when they meet today.

    My best wishes to you,



    Inevitable Sad…..fingers and everything crossed for the bleeding to stop. Staying hopeful right along with you.


    They said when they did the endescoopy the gave him a shot and plasma and hopefully the bleeding well stop on its own, and now today the bleeding did so a little bit they had to give him two bags of blood, his blood level was 9.3 last night and this morning it was a 9, the GI team well talk tomorrow and see what they’ll do next if it doesn’t stop bleeding……so ….. hoping for the best.


    Hi there,

    This never happened to my dad when he had his metal stent placed so I can’r help with any personal experiences here. Hopefully others will have some experiences to share with you on this. Bleeding like this though should be seen by the ER team as a matter of urgency I would say though. You say that the endoscopy shows bleeding around the stent, what did they say that they are going to do to fix this issue, replace the stent?

    My best wishes to you,



    Anyone.know about bleeding from the stent? A week ago doctors put a stent for a blocked bile.duct then a week later we rush to e.r for bellyache then two days of heavy blood in stool, endocospy shows bleeding behind or around the stent….. anyone?

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