Bless you, Jeff!

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Bless you, Jeff!

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    Jeff, thank you for that wealth of information. I have trained my oncologist to stand up and salute when I mention your name. I had my cat scan yesterday, and I will get the results on Thursday. I think he does need to have that lasix dosage upped. He is the best of about 4 up here who work in his office. I don’t have the option to go out of town anymore because I’m alone, and I can’t drive out of town so I pretty much depend on him, but I get my information from these boards and interrogate him. He’s not a warm man. I am reading your post over and over and taking notes. You’re a gift from God to me, Jeff. I hope you are having good days and your holidays are wonderful. It’s snowing here, Jeff. We haven’t had snow in about 10 years, and it has been snowing hard (huge flakes) all morning, and it’s sticking. I wanted to see snow again so I am watching it with gratitude.

    Love and prayers for you and your family,

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