Bone Metastasis

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  • #14233


    I am sorry to hear about your father in law. Cholangio does not usually metastasise to the bones – if it spreads it usually goes to the lungs or abdomen – are you sure this is cholangio? – cholangio starts in the bile duct and initially spreads to the liver and most people are not diagnosed until it causes obstruction in the ducts and jaundice. If your father in laws prostate cancer has spread then they should treat it as prostate (the primary) – the regimes/drugs will be different – although v rarely somebody may be unlucky enough to suffer 2 different primary cancers this is unliikely. Hope this helps. good luck, jules


    My father in law, age 58, was just diagnosed with a peripheral 8cm mass in the left lobe of the liver. Biopsy suggest cholangiocarcinoma. No bile duct obstruction or abnormal liver enzymes. PET CT showed evidence for malignant activity in the thoracic spine vertebral body and several small areas in the pelvis. No other signs of mets. Has anyone else had bony mets only??

    He has a history of prostate cancer. PSA levels not significantly elevated. We are hopeful that the bony mets may be from prostate. We are hoping to get to MD Anderson soon. Any advice??

    Thanks in advance.

    Hopeful in Oklahoma

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