Bone Mets with no signs anywhere else

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    Sprinter….cryotherapy has proven to be rather successful for many with bone metastases. I feel hopeful that you too will benefit from the procedure. And, yes, vigilance does pay off.
    Good luck and please keep us posted.


    Dear Sprinter,
    Sorry about the biopsy results, way to be proactive in getting it done as soon as possible. I wish you continued success with this fight….sounds like you are conquering each battle as they come along. Please keep us posted with the results after treating your shoulder mets. Prayers to you!


    Was able to get the biopsy moved up and it did confirm cancer in the shoulder bone. I have a cryotherapy procedure scheduled for 7/23 to take care of this. Then, back to the quarterly scans to try to catch things as early as possible if and when they show up. This is my 3rd recurrence and I feel extremely fortunate that I have been able to come through these and still maintain a relatively normal life once completing an ablation procedure or chemo. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who hasn’t been as lucky.


    Sprinter……agree with moving up the date for the biopsy if possible. It is difficult to relax when uncertainty is looming over one’s head. Remember though, that suspicious areas often times have not turned out to be cancerous after all. Therefore, I am crossing my fingers for you to receive equally good news.


    Thanks for the reply Marion. I did some searching before posting and just wasn’t able to find anything conclusive. Most posts I read related to bones seemed to state or hint that CC was also elsewhere.

    They scheduled the biopsy for 7/21 but I will talk with the oncologist when he returns Monday to have that moved up. I don’t want to wait that long.


    Sprinter…….bone mets are mentioned frequently. Although, the “search” function will reveal many postings not necessarily addressing your question directly, you might still want to take a look at what others have experienced. Simple enter “bone” and take some time to read through the information.
    When will you have the biopsy?


    Hi all,
    I had a 3rd recurrence of CC in January of this year. A couple small masses in the liver, couple small spots in left lung and a mass on a lymph node. I went on chemo, gemzar and oxy for four months. After 2 months, on chemo a PET scan showed no signs of cancer anywhere. Great news and fairly shocking as I know this is not normally the result. I continued with the chemo for the planned 4 months. Last week I had another PET scan and received the results yesterday. The good news is there is still no signs of cancer in my liver, lungs or lymph nodes. The potential bad news is there is an area in the bones of my shoulder that lit up and looks like cancer. I am working to get a biopsy scheduled for confirmaiton.

    My oncologist said he would be surprised to see it show up in the shoulder bone when it was cleaned up everywhere else. Has anyone else seen a recurrence show up only in the bones?

    I may be jumping to conclusions and maybe it isn’t cancer but it looks very much like it is.


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