bone pain

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    MN, you jogged my memory. The hardest thing for me was that Teddy look good right to the end of his journey. People would come visit and they made me feel like a liar as he looked so good. Wish I had been lying! Point is, it is so true what you see in front of the door is not what’s behind the door!


    Pepe…we are thinking of you and hoping for good results tomorrow.

    Currently my mom is having bad pain with bowel movements or the lack of them. They now have my mom of 4 stool softeners a day. They also gave her laxatives, but that just gives her the runs…and it still hurts. She feels it is gas pains, which can be caused by the pain pills.

    Also, my moms legs hurt if you pat her. I thought that was from the water retention that she had, but I don’t know.

    My mom is hoping it is not progression of the disease as she wants to enjoy a little bit of time. She has had nothing but a stubble since she went in for her original surgery last October. I think we all go directly to the worst case scenario, but try not to. He needs to get over the infections too. The social worker that came to our house the other day explained my moms fatigue and said, “Even though you are not doing anything, your body is fighting a battle on the inside, that is why you are so tired.” It made complete sense.

    Keep us posted tomorrow.


    Pepe….stay strong. We are behind you all the way.
    All my best wishes,


    Pepehorse, Teddy’s occured because of stents that needed to be exchanged. They can cause an infection. He would run a high fever of about 103o and chilled to the bone like 3 blankets and then some. I would lay on top of all the blankets trying to get him warmed up. Usually ended up in the hospital for about 4 -5 days. I would say he had about 4 of them over 3 years. On the last one, I called the Ambulance as usual, and when we got to the ER I told them what was wrong and what he needed! Yikes, sometimes I think our control hits hard when we are Care Takers and we become Mama Bears but hey, that’s what we are here for. By the way he ached all over when this happened. I was always checking his temperature when I felt he was getting warm and I knew what was coming. His alkaline phosphate was always normal. Another weird thing was except for the high Bili rubin in the beginning his counts were always normal. Such a strange one this CC is.


    @ Lainy – how often did Teddy get these infections? did you know how they came about? I appreciate all of your dedication to these posts….

    @ Mustangmort- Thank you.. Pepe is after my dad, Horse is his passion…
    my best wishes for you on this journey we have embarked…..


    Pepe, you let your dad know that we are thinking of him and offer our prayers and our best.


    Hi Pepehorse, not sure about the progression, only your ONC can tell you that but those blood infections are the worst and can cause all kinds of crazy things to happen. When Teddy had them only the strongest of Antibiotics worked. Good luck on your Thursday visit.


    Hello CC family.

    My dad is currently recovering from a serious infection in his blood.
    He was sent home from the hospital w 3 diffrent type of IV antibiotics.
    He has been experiencing pain down his legs and generally through his bones, also having bowel movements. His alkaline phosphate counts are very high. His Oncologist called him in to see him ASAP. We will go in on Thursday. I am very scared to what we will be told. Have any of you gone through this.. is this pain progression of the disease?

    It is very hard to understand why this had to happen to my dad :(

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