brave new world…?

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! brave new world…?

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    Dear Gretchen, welcome to our wonderful family. You are already a super survivor having been able to have your surgery. You have a good attitude that will carry you far and now you have all of us cheerleaders cheering you on. Please let us know how you are progressing and wishing you the best of luck.


    Hi Gretchen,

    Welcome to the site. I am sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined us. I hope that you keep coming back as the wonderful members here will give you a ton of support and help. I know that you will have a load of questions so please feel free to ask them and we will all do what we can to help you.

    I am glad to hear that you were able to have surgery and that it went well. Hopefully the ERCP will go well also and that this brings your jaundice down and I will keep my fingers crossed for a successful outcome here. I know that all of this is hard to deal with and get your head around. I was the same when my dad was diagnosed back in 2008 with inoperable CC so we know what you are going through right now.

    My best wishes to you,



    Gretchen….welcome to our site. I am glad that you have found us. Gretchen, the operation is quite difficult and recovery does not always come without a hitch here, or there. We have seen this, on this board, and understand too well your frustration. Hang in there and continue to reach out.
    Best wishes,


    Welcome Gretchen!
    You are very lucky to have been a candidate for resection and I am so happy you had clean margins. We will all keep our fingers crossed for clean scans from here on out.

    I am the complications queen so I can identify with the one step forward, two steps back in and out of hospital hokey pokey. Things will get better, you will get stronger adn you will get chemo.

    Where are you based? If you know what kind of chemo you are getting, check the chemo section for other members reactions and experiences. I am sure they will help.



    My new reality is Intrahepatic Cholangiacarcinoma. I still have touble saying it without turning into a weeping mess. I have had Liver resection on 8.11 and the tumour was removed(8.5cm ugh) but margins and lymph nodes are all clean. recovery from the surgery was going quite well until about 4 weeks in and I developed some sort of bile leakage which lead to jaundiced and increased pain. After a few more days in hospital, a parencentesis and the addition of 2 drains, I am now back home. ERCP is scheduled for next week. I am so hopeful that this clears up the jaundice issue as the surgeon says it is necessary to get this under contol prior to chemotherapy. I am happy to find this group and read the inspiring stories.


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