Budwig diet – any success?

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    My apologies if I offend anyone so please this is my opinion and that and a dollar gets you a cup of coffee….

    Jules my friend who 5 years ago was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It went into her lymph nodes. She had a radical mastectomy chemo and participated in a clinical trial. Her surgeon told her to enjoy her children. Need I say more about what the doctors felt her prognosis was. Now YES she did have chemo and YES she participated in a trial and YES she changed her diet. My point is the medical world and naturopathic world should join forces. Both can work and both may not but why not be opened minded to both?? We all know that chemo certainly does not always work so why put all our eggs in one basket? I believe that cancer grows in acid environment “that has been proven” and if we work to keep our blood in an acid free environment by oxygenating our blood we can keep the cancer at rest.

    No one should be foolish enough to trust the pharmasuitical industry to have our best interest at heart. It is the number one money making business in the world and cancer makes money!!! There will always be arguments in both directions I say throw both at the dam cancer WHY NOT?


    the thing with me (personally) and the “magic cure” diets is this:

    if they really really work, why hasn’t cancer been cured yet?

    i DO think that eating well is FOR SURE a bonus, but i have a hard
    time swallowing it’s a cure all for ANY cancer.

    IF ONLY it were that simple….we would be jumping for joy!


    No experience of this diet personally, but I so agree with Lainy that before trying anything like this speak with your onc or medical team and take their advice.

    Found this at MSKCC –


    Best wishes,



    Ah Jules, the old diet stuff. Please do NOT do anything without first asking the ONC! I am just one of those who do not believe in these unscientific approaches. So far in all these years with all these nutritional diets there really is no proof they work. I guess I always think IF this or that was so good why don’t the Doctors recommend it? Once again if the ONC says it’s OK go for it but keep in mind CC is a very rare Monster and what works nutritionally for some Cancers may not work for CC. Good luck! Please let us know what happens.



    My mum has recently been diagnosed with advanced intrahepatic CC and we are in the process of looking at all treatment options, both conventional and alternative. There is so much valuable research on this site and I am blown away by the level of support.

    I know that there are a few threads re the Budwig diet but I was wondering if anyone has tried it for a consistent period of time, and found it helpful? My mum has decided to give it a go, as it’s generally very healthy and we can’t see it being harmful to eat a better diet. We also have a few family friends who have had great success on this diet, with other cancers, and have in fact chosen this diet instead of chemo, with positve results.

    Like I say, I’m just wondering whether anyone has tried it and found it helpful, or if there are any other thoughts?

    Thank you,

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