CA-19 Inquiry

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    Nikki….it is really easy to focus on these numbers, but it can lead to false interpretations. If indeed you see the latest numbers trend up over a certain period of time then yes, it might be concerning. But, at this time it is way to worry. This is my opinion only.


    Nikki –
    Our oncologist told us not to worry about it. It was 75 at the beginning of chemo and he says it is trending downward but he doesn’t tell us the exact number. He also said that a lot of different things can affect the CA-19 including having had surgery. My husband had a Roux-en-Y which is similar to the Whipple in June but does not involve the pancreas, just the liver and bile ducts. He said that we are more worried or more looking at the CT scans to see if there is any visible disease. So far we have to evidence of disease.
    I would do some more reading on it too because I am sure that I read somewhere that it’s not a definitive test for CC like it can be for other cancers……but I can’t remember where and if I really did read it…..too much on the brain.




    My dad had a Whipple procedure and a partial liver resection at the end of March. Since then, he completed one cycle of gem (the last one was on 11/1). He has had his CA-19 tested multiple times, and the results are as follows:

    5/14: 43.9
    7/23: 25.5
    9/26: 26.1
    10/3: 30.6
    11/1: 41.8

    His Doctor told him not to be concerned, that there are various other factors that can play into the CA-19 reading, however, it’s hard not to be concerned. When he was first diagnosed, his CA-19 was up around 100. He has a CT scan and will get his CA-19 tested again on 12/5. I have read that this number isn’t a great way to detect a recurrence, but I know that it is used along with a CT scan. Has anyone experienced a gradual increase in their CA-19 without any other sign of a recurrence? He looks and feels great and has been gaining weight back slowly. All of his other tests are exceptional. Thanks!


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