CA19-9 and question

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion CA19-9 and question

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    As a general rule the CA19-9 lab test shouldn’t be interpreted as a singular result. It should be viewed in context of other labs and the therapy being adminstered.

    My dad saw an uptick in his CA19-9 results after his chemo embolization procdures but he also was showing good necrosis of the tumor.



    Well, my dad’s CA-19-9 cancer marker keeps going up. It was 172, then 211, then 294, then 337, now 614. He had an embolization done in March with no chemo due to an unusual anatomy and too dangerous. Does this usually mean it is growing in the liver or spread elsewhere? Also my dad’s newest symptom is very dry mouth. Has anyone ever experienced that with cc? Thank you.

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