CA19-9 down from 150 to 47

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working CA19-9 down from 150 to 47

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  • #82909

    Awesome news! Positive attitude is everything. When we have hope we have peace in our life. So happy to read this news.


    Excellent news Val! Yes this will be a huge relief to you all and hope that it boosts your dads mood as well. I know that from my dad news like this would give him a huge boost and yes, a positive attitude is so good. Hope that the good news continues for your dad.

    My best to you both,



    Many thanks! Dad’s appetite returned last night I think it’s because he’s relaxed. Am so glad!
    Good night to you from across the ocean!


    Valwong, great news indeed! It’s very promising that it’s dropped so much. And you are correct… Attitude is everything.


    Dear Valwong this was a great wake up today to your excellent news. You are so right about attitude, attitude is everything! I am hopeful your Dad can get something for pain as pain is not only bad it uses up good energy one needs to heal with. This is quite a turn around so keep the good news coming!


    Such a big relief today! My dad’s CA 19-9 dropped from 150 to 47 after the 1 week of Oral TS-1. The pain has not all gone away, but has subsided significantly compared to before the chemo. So we hope it’s the chemo is working and shrinking the tumors.
    We are waiting at the hospital for another 2 week prescription of TS-1, and also will be meeting the anesthesiologist to see what pain management option we have.
    I can tell that my dad’s relieved and hopefully his mood picks up from here, I can’t say it enough that positive attitude is crucial. Thanks for all the support!

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