Call for Action – Do you have a Biliary Stent or Tubes?

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    Call for Action – Do you have a Biliary Stent or Tubes?

    The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is pleased to be partnering with Boston Scientific to create a mobile app for the Biliary Emergency Information Card. This will allow you and/or your caregiver to have ready access to the information on your card through any smartphone in the event of a biliary emergency.

    We are looking for a few volunteers who currently have either biliary stents or tubes. We would like you to participate in a brief call to answer a few questions about your experience which will help us to ensure that the mobile app provides the information that is most important to you.

    The call can be arranged at a time that is most convenient for you and the questions can be provided to you in advance. Also, please note that all of the information that you share will remain anonymous – only your initials will be used.

    To participate, please contact Donna Mayer at by January 1st.

    Thank you all.


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