Calling All Experts!

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    Heather, Darren and I discussed the upcoming surgery and feel that we are also an option. Darren has become quite proficient with his hunting knife and we’re ready to attack and get rid of that darn tumor. The only problem is that the only pain medication we have is Tylenol!!! Not making light of what’s going on, but we are both still praying for you and hope Leebo gets to come home tomorrow. We know that you guys are going to win this battle and wish you a safe day today. Love, Gagnons


    I can second nancy’s endorsement of Sloan K. in NY for liver resectioning. Dr. Jarnagin and Dr. Fong are tops in the surgery dept. They also have a very very good IR dept. for the stent and catheter situations. Best of luck wherever you go and here’s hoping and praying for good things.


    Well, I will tell you when my life went pear shaped and it looked like I would need a second surgery, my good friend in Dallas recommended I think Housten as there is a top liver specialist there who just happens to be my friend’s godfather. I am not quite up to snuff right now, but if I have time I will try to remember to get in touch with Paige and get the scoop on the Texas guy. Cant promise too much as I stupidly went out of town with my husband, over did it again and shifted my drain again (but it was so much fun to be in a different city!) and am now drugged and confined to the house….but let me see….


    Hey Heather:

    My friend Ron had resection surgery in August at Sloan Kettering in New York. We also contacted M.D. Anderson and were eager to go there. The whole process took way too long. A month after we sent our paperwork we were still waiting for an appointment. We were accepted by Sloan Kettering to come for a consultation after 5 days and then finally heard from M.D. Anderson after surgery was scheduled. Please don’t get me wrong, I hear it is a wonderful hospital. The waiting was just driving us crazy. Ron’s oncologist told us M.D. Anderson was “on the cutting edge” of trying new chemo/radiation procedures and Sloan Kettering was “on the cutting edge” for attempting more surgical resections.

    I wish the very best for your husband and will keep him in my prayers.

    Hugs to you,


    Heather, don’t ever give up. Six months ago I was told that I had three weeks to live, and that my tumor was not resectable. I am now in great health – thanks to the stents allowing the liver to drain – and after months of chemo and radiation, the tumor has shrunk enough to have surgery. Do check out the Mayo Clinic. I’ve not heard of the doctor in Houston. My surgeon is going to be Dr. Michael Hart of Swedish Hospital in Seattle.


    My husband Lee will be going in tomorrow for placement of his stent that will allow him to finally get nourishment from “real” food…after this procedure, we will be meeting with surgeons and onocologists to discuss his “major” surgery for removal of the lesions…that is if they feel that they”can” do it….we were told that there are only 3 doctors in our state {Arizona} that would even venture to do such a procedure….to be discussed also chemo and radiation…suggested was Mayo Clinic…we have researched M D Anderson in Houston, Texas….number one in the US….has anyone heard…been…or have ANY suggestions, ideas, experiences on any of the above mentioned…or just info. that will help Lee, Emilee and I get ready to fight this war?!

    Thank you!!!

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