Can anyone understand doctors reports?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Can anyone understand doctors reports?

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    Phew!! My mind goes off at a gallop on things like that, too, Andie.

    I’m glad you checked it out with a doc.



    Hi Andie,

    Glad to hear that you were able to speak with the doctor on the ward and that she has explained it all to you.

    Best wishes,



    Andie….that is good news. I am happy to hear that your mind has been eased as has ours.
    Best wishes,


    Thank you all, I have been in touch with the Doctor on the ward and she has explained it to me. Basically on examination they thought the ducts were going to the right stent were infact they were going to the left. My mind was working overtime again!!


    Anie….I agree with Gavin in that a professional should interpret the report for you. This way you will be assured for the information to be correct. The worst that can happen is when we lay people try to decipher language not familiar to us. Observations by the physician re: the physiology of the tumor is mandatory for record keeping and may not be something for you to be too concerned about. I wish you luck.
    And, as Jamima has mentioned, it must feel great for you Dad to be back home.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Andie

    Sorry I can’t help with the wording on the report but just to say that I am glad to hear that your Dad is home and feeling better. it must be lovely for you and your Mum to have him back with you.

    best wishes



    Hi Andie,

    I couldn’t say, perhaps others will be able to offer more on this. One thing you could try though is phoning Macmillan on their help line and they could put you through to a cancer nurse who might be able to explain it all to you.

    The number is 0808 808 00 00 and it is open from 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday. I’ve used it a few times for my dad and they were very helpful in answering my questions.

    Glad to hear that dad is home.

    Best wishes to you both,



    Dad has been sent home with a letter to give to his GP and also a copy for himself. They had told Dad his CC hadn’t spread but the wording on the report reads like it has, well to me but I’m no expert so was wondering if anyone else could shed some light.

    Ultrasound shows dilated ducts in the lateral part of left lobe and a lesser extent in the right. Cholangiogram shows obstruction inside upper part of left stent. Balloon dilatation performed on left side with 10mm balloon. The most resistance was in the region of the left hepatic duct where the main tumour is suspected. After several balloon dilatations there was some flow down to the duodenum.

    Now the bit that worries me:-

    Puncture from the right side into dilated duct segment. This demonstrates a group of dilated ducts which superfically appear to communicate to the top of the right side stent but in fact is a new segment which crosses over and joins via a stricture to the left side. A new 9cm long wallstent was placed from the peripheral right ducts through the side of the left stent and down to common duct. A new 5mm long wallstent was placed via the left ducts inside the upper end of original stent. At the point where these two new stents meet clearly both will be slightly narrow as they are restricted by both the tumour and original left stent.

    Have I read too much into it or is the new segment a new tumour?


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