Can my mom be around my new puppy?

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    I live very close to my wonderful dog, and I haven´t had any infections during two years on chemo.



    I think the main concern is, most of the cancer patients have low blood counts especially neutrophil,(part of the WBC family) and therefore are easier to get infections from animals .
    God bless.


    Never heard of such a thing, unless your mom is allergic to dogs. We have a dog and cats, which my husband was around all day, and our doctors knew we had pets. A puppy is a great boost of morale; they are so darn cute and silly!
    Hugs. Nancy


    My cat, Laura, was an absolute Godsend for my sister. Sue would talk to her and pet her and Laura slept on her bed when Sue was feeling really bad. Like Pam, I wouldn’t let Sue clean Laura’s litter tray and we both became scrupulous about hand-washing, but I believe the blessings Laura provided outweighed the disadvantages.



    We have three dogs and my daughter has CC. Her doctor said she is not to clean up dog poop or empty a cat box. This could make her sick. Other than that, I don’t see why your Mom could not be around a puppy. Our little chihuahua, Penny, is Lauren’s best bud and sleeps next to her every night. I think she knows Lauren is sick and likes to comfort her by watching over her. Lauren has never had any problems around our dogs. Sometimes it seems like doctors want CC patients to live in a plastic bubble which is hardly practical or fun.



    My father-in-law has a dog. The only concern was when he was recovering from his surgery, because he couldn’t walk her and care for her, but she stayed with us during that time. She is a full grown dog, though.

    Do you know why they advised her not to have pets?


    I recently got a new puppy. My mother was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma almost a year ago and I know the her doctor’s had advised for her not to have pets,. Was just wondering if anyone has had pets and lives or has lived with someone with cholangiocarcinoma.


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