Cancer is coming in the liver

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Cancer is coming in the liver

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    Hi, 2000miler,
    Nice job to get the data.
    please add KRAS wide type and EGFR positive to my column;
    Also I am sensitive to gemcitabline,5FU(and Capecitabine);the platium group on clude Cislpatin and Oxaliplatin and Carpoplatin.;also senisitive to EGFR inhibitors like sorafenib and Taceva (erlotinib) ,and other agents like ,celecoxib and calciferol ; I am not sensitive to irinotecan,laptinib,trastuzumab and temozolomide.
    God bless.


    Hi, Tom,
    You know I am but a patent. and not a doctor.
    Based on your message of this board,your father had only the left lobe of the liver left. Is it just a solid tumor<3cm or several lesions less than 3cm in size?.
    since you just ask questions without providing the CT scan details (ie: location and size and number).I cannot give you the best answer that I can. But if the location are allowed and the size and number is as I stated above;you can have RFA and the newer radiation technology ( ask for a 2nd opinion from an interventional radiologist who is board certifiedfor answer.)

    Since the right lobe(the bigger part) of the liver is gone,and if the liver tumor is relatively large in the left. I do not think surgery is the best option RFA or chemoembolizationmay be othr choices . Howeveer, I will NOT do radioembolization because the result comes back from my observation from this board, at least ,is poor(4/4 passed away for the older patient. I truly suspect the low radiation of that procedure have added unwanted side effects to damage further cannotthe overall liver viability and cannot recover like the young patients do.
    God bless.


    There are 9 others in my partial foundation database that had surgery for a Klatskin tumor with clean margins and no mets (R0). There are 3 of these 9 for which I have data on recurrent cancers. Times between surgery and recurrence was 0.54, 0.62, and 3.27 years. None of them had surgery for the recurrent cancer.


    Hi Tom,
    My first liver resection was in September 2010 and they were able to remove the entire tumor but couldn’t go past the area because it was against an artery. So we did 6 months of chemo to be sure we got it. Two months after finishing chemo I had two new tumors so I had another liver resection followed by chemo. I have since had 5 more tumors that we have successfully treated with steriotactic radiation. Matter of fact I have steriotactic radiation next week for my newest tumor. The ones that have been radiated are gone. Feel free to call me if you want to talk. 330-903-6868


    Tom-sorry about your news, unfortunately we have high reoccurence rate with CC. I can not comment personally as mine has not reoccured, but I am sure more will post with stories of HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hi everyone,

    it’s been awhile since my last post, and I have been in a very frustrated situation. I just want to know if anybody has experience when the cancer is coming back in the liver and surgery is another option. My dad’s cancer is coming back in the liver only four months after surgery.

    Thanks everyone for all your support!!

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