Cancer Treatment Center of America

Discussion Board Forums Hospitals & Physicians Cancer Treatment Center of America

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  • #15878

    I am confused — has Dave had three treatments at Cancer Centers of America that cost $30,000 or are you saying the three treatments he had where you are currently going cost $30,000? The one thing I am fearful of about CCA is the cost. My dad is on Medicare, but also has United Health Care supplemental insurance.


    Thanks Jeff and Stacie. Dave called them, and they did ask about insurance, but Dave was soooo impressed with the amount of information they offered on the phone and these treatments are very expensive. He has only had 3 chemos and his bill is already over 30,000!!! Fortunately we do have insurance. They did tell him that they would help him financially to get there with discount airline and hotel reservations. They also pick you up at the airport and have a shuttle that goes from hotel to hotel. We just read the book “there’s no place like hope” by a woman who was told to “get her affairs in order” by several cancer centers and went there and was cured….now 14 years later. So, I don’t know if we will end up going there, but it sure sounds good to us with the combination of allopathic, alternative, nutritional, and spiritual support. Who knows. We are open to anything. Thanks again. Patrice


    We were not treated there, but one of the things I did like about their philosophy (when I was researching) was that they were open to using both modern and alternative methods to fighting cancer, you don’t find that at the Major Cancer Centers and frankly, we haven’t seen chemo doing miraculous things (long-term) by itself, other than a few isolated incidences – and for those we cheer.



    Patrice …. I have heard both bad and good. My Dentist back and Maine told me he went there about 15 years ago and they cured his cancer. Don’t know what type he had the conversation didn’t go that far. Two Oncology nurses have told me there are better places to go. One Oncologist told me he had to nurse one of his patients back to health; that they didn’t monitor and do follow up like should have. I have watched their inspirational advertisments and it gets me when it says ” We may have treatments your not even aware of” Well, If they do then why aren’t they advertising it. I personally contacted them 3 years ago and the first two questions to me was what type of cancer do I have and who is my Insurance company. I guess I have a negative feeling personally but that does not mean they are no good. I guess one would have to try it to find out. I just don’t like deceptive and lurring advert tactics. They are also a private for profit organization. Nothing wrong with that either I guess, except there is a tendency to more expensive. They are opening new facilities in different states so someone must be getting treatment from them. I guess if your interested and they’ll accept your Insurance Company check them out. Like I said I personally have nothing against them. All Infor I got was hear say except for the call I made. I wish you and Dave the best. Being Open and looking at other options and getting second opinions is the way to cover your bases.

    Jeff G.


    Does anyone have any experience at CTCA? We have heard a lot of great things about it and I am reading the book “There’s No Place Like Hope” which is written by a woman who was treated there after she was told by other doctors/hospitals that there was no hope. If Dave has had no shrinkage of his tumors on the next CT scan he is thinking about checking out other options. Thanks for any info anyone has available. Patrice

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