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  • #88801

    Hi! Just wanted to add data to this –

    My boyfriend hasn’t tried CBD but a friend of ours tried it for her intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (also through Dr. Frankel at Greenbridge).

    Her tumors didn’t go away, but while taking a THC/CBD combination recommended by doctor Frankel and while being on gem/cis, she went through 18 rounds of gem/cis with no tumor growth. Her original tumor was something like 12cm, and she was given very little time to live. In other words, the gem/cis worked for much longer than anyone thought it would.

    She now has tumor growth, but, again, is doing much better than anyone could have ever predicted. It could’ve been anything that has taken her to this point, but she suspects the THC/CBD really helped given all the predictions her other doctors had made.



    Has anyone else out there tried CBD for their CC? My husband refused chemo when he found it wasn’t effective for CC and would only extend his life by a few. months over doing nothing at all. He has been taking CBD which is the medicinal part of the marijuana plant for 6 months now.
    His last PET / CT showed no tumors. The one six months ago was lit up like a Christmas tree.

    He has some kind of blockage which is causing him to be very jaundiced now, but they think it is related to his surgery – see my introduction post – not the cancer. It is amazing how little is known about CC even at a major cancer center like UCLA!

    You can go to if you would like to learn more about CBD.

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