Cannabis Oil and Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Wesley….I agree. There is a tremendous research conducted in regards to the property of cannabis and I expect to see it used in numerous ways, including specific medications as well as in conjunction with certain drugs.



    Lainy there is actually a great deal of scientific research currently taking place around cannabinoids and there role to fight cancer. I think of anything I have researched thats the the main stream chemo route it has the most promise. I think its still to early to know what cannabinoid might have the most effect so I tend to just give them all.

    When you faced with a terminal diagnosis my thought has always been what do you have to loose. Cannabis is not some new chemical, its been around longer than people and has been used to treat all kinds of things. I dont think its a major risk to try it


    Wesley….many may argue that being “stoned” by far supersedes the negative affects of opioids and other pain meds.
    MEGACE and MARINOL are supposed to the be the synthetic form of properties contained in Cannabis, are FDA approved, and therefore available per prescription. Some people seem to derive some benefit whereas others do not.

    The fact that your Mom’s weight is stable seems to prove that she is on the right track.



    grsharp….I don’t have the answer, but count on some of our readers to contribute to this subject.

    All in all, I am a strong believer that cannabis plays an important role in health care and especially for cancer patients. Within a short time we will see the impact it has on Industry and Biotech and an explosion in research.




    Since Tn has not approved the use of medical marijuana all I have access to is something like the Charlottes Web product which can be ordered from the web.
    It appears to only contain the CBD portion of the plant.
    Anyone here using it? Results?


    Dear Wesley, there is no scientific basis on what anything out of the ordinary does for CC, However, if it makes a patient feel better in any way that is up to them BUT PLEASE make sure the treating Doctor knows what is being taken that he may not have ordered.


    My mum has been on cannabis oil since diagnosis. It helps her sleep, especially the higher ratio CBD strains She eats well and has minimal side effects from the chemo drugs.

    Being on both Chemo and cannabis its hard to say what is working best. All I know is in the last year her tumour has grown 2mm and she hasn’t really lost any weight. So she continues to take it.

    She HATES being stoned, the bigger doses she takes at night and she has top ups of low dose THC strains during the day to boost appetite.

    Its difficult to gauge dosages. This isnt lab made ;) I read when I first started giving it to her you needed 1G oil a day. Thats insane. That would not improve quality of life in such high doses and I cant see any real science to back it up. The oil she take is homemade in the kitchen from decent sources of bud. I wouldn’t risk buying it from anyone. She generally consumes 10-15g of oil a month in capsules. Some can be strong and some can feel like they do nothing she says. None the less she’s getting a regular dose.

    Hope that helps


    Nice posting, dear Beatriz. I believe that Cannabis has a role in cancer care, but was completely ignorant as to what component of the plant is of most benefit. Thanks for explaining. I am equally as happy to hear that the oncologist agreed it would do no harm while participating in the clinical trial.



    Thanks for that info Beatriz, much appreciated.



    Joe….there are some posting on cannabis oil as well as cannabis. You may want to try the search function by entering the key words.
    Perhaps others will come forward and share their experiences as well.

    Good luck, we are rooting for your Mom and you.



    Just wondering if anyone has any insight into the benefits from using cannabis oil while battling CC?
    Any thoughts are much appreciated as we continue to look for any and all options to help extend and improve quality of life for my mother who is 61 and is battling Stage 4 CC.

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